Chapter 18: Tit Babies

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She's absolutely freaking gorgeous. How is this real life? I gape at Pam, standing there in her tight yellow dress, respectably lengthed, but still hot as hell. 

I hope I don't develop a crush on her like every other person in this room. 

She adjusts her little sweater that clings to her shoulders and waist, which only brings everyone's eyes to the massive difference in size between her tiny little waist and her perky breasts. Her bright red curls bounce around as she greets Silas excitedly.

I look down at my outfit today and frown. I don't own designer clothes, and I guess I had to choose today to wear an entire outfit made by my mom, not that it's something to be ashamed of. It's just that the colors on my floral skirt, which had watercolor style flowers on it, have faded over time and my short sleeved beige top has loosened after the many machine wash cycles it's endured over the years. 

If I stood next to Pam in a clothing store, she'd be the bright new arrivals rack and I'd be the sad clearance rack.

Although I did make some effort today: I brushed my hair all they way through and clipped half my hair up behind me, leaving the extra long strands draped over my shoulders.

But my looks don't even come close to hers.

Suddenly very aware that Silas is probably watching me, I remain silent and try to calm myself. I hear his nervous voice from behind me.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" I feel my hands start to sweat uncontrollably.

"I go here now, silly," she responds with a piercingly high pitched tone, approaching him to sit in the seat beside him.

"Oh," I hear him mutter. He sounds unexcited and almost annoyed. This brings joy to my heart. Then, he clears his throat, "Pamela, this is my girlfriend, Tammy."

I try not to show a reaction to the fact that he had just called me his girlfriend. Had we even talked about that? Are we official? I just thought that there would be some official acknowledgment before this happened. I turn, because if I don't I'd be rude. As I do, I catch her look of disgust, like I'm ugly. Like I'm gross. Like I'm trash. I feel the back of my neck burning.

Bitch I will whoop your ass right here. Ugh.

I hope I didn't say that out loud.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Pamela." I offer my hand and flash her a smile. Although, it's more like I'm baring my teeth to her, to show her my very strong, possibly very sharp, pearly whites.

She grabs my hand and shakes it firmly with a stiff smile. "Likewise," she spits.

Almost immediately, her eyes return to Silas, drinking him in. "So Silas, you want to hang out sometime? Maybe outside of school, at your place? I just love the new furniture style your parents tried out."

I hold myself back from slapping her, but suddenly notice the entire class whispering to each other about us. Clearly, there is an unspoken, tangible air of drama between the three of us.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he mumbles in response, glancing over at me to read my expression. I keep my face straight, with no emotion, no reaction.

"Well, you know how I am. I'm just uncomfortable around... others. But I'm cool with you. We've known each other forever." She drags the last word out as if to make sure that I've heard it, that I now know that I've stepped on her territory.

Like she's peed on him and now he's hers.

We all sit back down and I turn my back to them.

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