Chapter 15: Super-Lane

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This is it. This is how it all ends, and there's nothing I can do about it, but lie there and wait for doom.

I turn my face over to watch the fight so that I could at least avoid seeing the disgusting hunger that's oozing out of Jeff's eyes as he ogles over my body. My hands feel helpless under his crushing palms and even after he lets go to press down on my body with his weight, my muscles are too weak to push him off. I hear the clinking sound of metal on metal: he's unbuckling his pants.

I look at Scarlett, whose screams are unwavering as she gets a slap across her face from resisting. Jeff's large hands cup my chin firmly and turn my face to him. He holds a slimy grin from ear to ear and in his hand was his relaxed member, which he strokes tenderly at sight of my face.

I hear sudden yelling as Jeff turns to look over in panic. I follow his stare and see Damon and a few men in police uniforms. Relief washes over me, but it seems all my muscles have given up on me. I don't smile or scream as Jeff shoves his member back in his pants and reach down to wrap his hand around my neck rather tightly.

"This isn't over," he spits in my face as he glares down at me with desire and anger. With that, he runs off, abandoning his friends, who are still caught up in their fights. The guy on top of Scarlett gets pulled off by two cops, and as I stand up quietly, I glance over, glad to see that her pants are still on and zipped up. I step down the stairs of the porch and watch as Damon joins Vinh to fight the badly beaten giant he was facing.

A cop has helped Silas bring down the man who had been punching him senseless, and as I approach him, I feel my knees give in and he runs to catch me in my fall.

"Lane!" Silas lifts me back up, straightening my legs. He gives me a worried look, but I can't tell what he sees in my face. "I've got you, Lane. My Lane..." I rest my cheek on his chest, and he fits me in under his neck as he rests his chin at the top of my head. He keeps one hand on my back, only gently, careful as to not to hurt me. His other hand runs along my hair, stroking me to somehow calm me, but it does the opposite.

I was lifelessly calm before, but his touch brings me back to reality, to understanding to full extent of what had just happened, what almost happened, what could have...

I burst into tears as my hands reach up to grasp at where his shirt laid on his shoulders. Hot, burning tears streak my face, leaving a puddle on his chest. I hear myself screaming as I turn so that my voice becomes muffled in his chest. When I was finally done letting out all the screams, my throat has become dry and my voice hoarse. I turn back so that my cheek is resting on his chest again.

I inhale his scent, but register it as something familiar. While tears continue to fall from the corners of my eyes, I look up at him and laugh, sounding different because of my stuffy nose as a result of crying.

He looks at me in bewilderment.

"You," I sniff to avoid snot running out of my nostrils, "You used my shampoo?"

He sighs in relief and holds my face with both of his hands, wiping away the streaks on my cheeks with his thumbs. A new tear falls from my eye, and instead of wiping it away, he leans down to kiss it. I throw my arms around his waist and press myself as close to him as I can.

He really is my Superman.


At the police station, they try to contact my mom, but she rarely picks up unfamiliar numbers. I've already explained to them twice that she likely won't answer and I don't want to call and bother her. She would just freak out and then I'd have to deal with an overbearing mother with a barely-surviving income. They seemed unconvinced until Damon stepped in.

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