Chapter 17: It Girl

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"Hey, honey," my mom greets me as I walk into our home. I can hear my dad in the kitchen as he closes the fridge door.

"Hey, Mom. What's up?" This is weird. They never really talk to me when they get back from their trips. Usually, they catch up with Dylan when they get home and I just make my presence known by breathing.

"You just missed Patty and Gerald. They had some business they had to tend to, but Pamela insisted on staying to catch up with you," my mother explains, sounding a bit too excited. As I approach the kitchen, I could see the back of a girl, sitting on a high stool by the kitchen island. "Well, your dad and I will leave you two to it."

My mom walks off, grabbing my dad with her upstairs.

"Okay, Mom..." I mutter in annoyance, and the girl hears me.

She turns around and her flaming red curls bounce along her back, ending between her shoulder blades. Dressed in a black skirt short enough to show off her legs, but long enough not to catch my mom's attention, she adjusts her short black cardigan, accentuating her breasts, which are only tucked halfway under her tight red tank top. She looks entirely different from the last time I saw her. She's... grown.

Normally, an outfit like this would result in a longer stare from my part, but now, all it does is make me recall the outfit Lane wore last Sunday. She looked like an angel in that pretty little white skirt, and I distinctly remember the way the wind blew her hair out of her face as she opened the door to see me. The fact that she cared about me at all was a damn miracle. Then I remember our kiss.

I've never kissed anyone that way before.

It was ragged and sexy and I don't think I'll ever let go of that feeling when she was finally in my arms, when I touched her shoulder, when I lifted her up. We were skin to skin and that single moment with her was enough for a lifetime.

But I want more.

"Silas?" I snap out of my thoughts as she calls me again, and I realize that Pamela had seen my face as I thought about Lane.

Did I look like a pervert? I bet I did.

"Hey, Pam," I mumble as she wraps her arms around my neck. "How've you been?"

"Oh, I've been fine," she says as she pulls back, still resting her hands on both of my arms. "It's just the same old stuff, you know. Gemma's moved out so it's a little different."

"Yeah," I agree, stepping away to approach the fridge. I catch her look of disappointment as her hands drop to her sides, hurt by my lack of response to her touch. I'm glad. I don't need this distraction right now. "I know what you mean. Dylan's gone, too."

"And with your parents gone all the time," she hints with a smirk, "I guess you have this big house all to yourself."

I don't answer as I pull out a carton of orange juice to pour into a clean glass on the counter. I turn to face her with a composed face, knowing she will take any reaction of mine as a spark of interest.

"Ever feel lonely?" She tries to sound seductive, but it just sounds like bad porn moans to me. Not that I watch that much porn. Not anymore.

"No, I'm fine here. I like the peace." I chug the entire glass of orange juice, and I could feel her eyes on me. She flutters her eyelashes a bit too frequently, and her green eyes remind of a time when we were a bit younger, when she gave me my first kiss. It wasn't anything romantic. She got dared by a friend and I was caught off guard.

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