Chapter 21: Easter Egg

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I wake up the next morning feeling groggy, like having the worst hangover ever. It might have been because of the repeated dreams of Pam stealing my stuff. I woke up in the middle of night multiple times, just to stare blankly at the ceiling.

Still, I dressed myself well as I get ready for school. For the first time in a long time, I chose to wear a skirt to school. From my hidden collection, I picked my favorite, which was a simple lavender skirt with flowy fabric that fluttered with the least bit of wind. On top, I wear a normal white cami and a light green cardigan over it.

I look like an Easter egg, but at least I'm pretty one.

My mom noted the skirt today, and there was a proud smile on her face as she watched me walk off in something she made.

As I drop off my books at my locker, I sense someone standing behind me. Closing my locker after I finish, I turn around to see Pamela in a low-cut, off-the-shoulder red dress, short enough that if she bent down, I would no doubt see her undies. If she wears undies. God, I hope she does.

Go away, gross thought.

"Listen, I'm just going to say this once and I expect you to let it sink in," she starts with an obnoxious tone, "Silas and I are made for each other. I've known him forever and I know more about him than you ever will. I was practically made for him and his parents love me. We're equally rich, but look at you. The moment his parents see you, they'll label you a stupid gold digger."

I don't respond. I can't believe half the things she's saying just came out of her lips. Every word coming out of her mouth is like a papercut: sharp, shocking, and surprisingly painful.

"Look, I'm just helping you out here. I just think that it would save you a lot of pain if you let go of him now before things get ugly with his parents. They're great people and all, but that's just to me, because I fit into their family like a missing piece of puzzle." She flashes me a smug smile and then turns on her heel to walk to class.

As I sit in Francis's class, I don't say a word, or even look to Silas. Pam's words cloud my thoughts and I find myself shaking my leg under the table. As a teenager, I shouldn't be thinking about the future of my relationships. It's amazing when I think about it through the present, but the second I consider our future together, it's like a dark cloud has found its way in and rained all over it.

That cloud is Pam. The rain is the truth.

Because the truth hurts, I guess. It pains me to know that I won't fit into his family like she would, that I'm not good enough because of my background or my ethnicity or my class.

He throws me a note and I open it to see a cartoon recreation of me in my outfit today, but with angel wings. "You look absolutely amazing today, Lane. Like a beautiful angel."

I blush and smile at the drawing. He even drew a little swirly line to show wind that blows my skirt to the side so it would show how flowy it is.

So what if she fits in with his family? I fit in with him and that's all that matters. I shouldn't let doubt take over my feelings for him. He's perfect and he's mine.


After school, Silas took me home and offers to give me a ride to his party tonight. I told him that I had to tutor Damon and he already offered me a ride, which I had accepted. I know how much effort it takes to set up for a party so I didn't want to bother Silas. Plus, due to the events that happened with Jeff and his boys, my mom has been a little more persistent about my curfew. I'd need Damon to take me home, too.

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