Demi's Little Sister

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*Violet's POV*

Hi. I'm Violet. I live with my mom, step-dad, and my sisters. I have two older sisters and one younger one. I'm fifteen years old and I have a few secrets. I self harm and have an eating disorder. Nobody knows. And I plan to keep it that way. My older sisters are Dallas and Demi Lovato. My younger sister is Madison De La Garza. They're all beautiful and I'm so jealous of them. My mom's name is Dianna and my step-dad is Eddie but we all call him dad.

I was walking home from school after being tortured by Christi. We used to be the best of friends. Then one day she turned on me. We've been enemies ever since. I put my key inside the lock and opened the door. Nobody was home. I tossed my book bag on the floor and went to the kitchen. A note from my parents was on the fridge.

-Hey Violet. Mom, Dal, and I went out. Make sure you and Mads eat. We'll be back soon. Love you!-

Eat? Yeah right. I went to my room and went into the bathroom. I remembered everything that happened today. Christi beating me up and calling me names was the worst. I started crying. I sunk to the floor and remembered the blades I had hidden around the room. I took the one behind the mirror, rolled up my sleeves, and began cutting. One, two,, eight. They were so deep and I decided to stop. I washed my blade and put it back. I made my arm stop bleeding and pulled my sleeves back down. I washed my face and headed downstairs. I watched tv and waited for Maddie.

It was 4:30 and Maddie finally came home. I stood up to hug her and then made her food.

"So Mads. How was your day?"

"It was good. Aerial was the best part though."

She was only a few years younger than me. She loves aerial and she's great at it.

"That's great Maddie."

I made her mac&cheese. I didn't have any.

"Here Mads." I set the bowl down in front of her.

"Where's yours?"

"I'm not hungry. I ate a big lunch."


I sat down on the couch and my phone vibrated.

Demi;* was the name that came up.

~Hey baby sis. I miss you!~

~Miss you too Dems!~

~I can't wait to see you!~

As I was about to reply, the door opened.

So this is my new story!!:D It's about Demi's little sister that doesn't really exist but it's fiction so..yeah. I hope you enjoy the journey to come ahead. Thanks for reading!! c:

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