Chapter 21

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*Camila's POV*

It's been a few weeks and she still hasn't woken up. She hit her head pretty hard. I still sleep with her pillow or in her clothes and Lauren always sleeps with me. Demi's mom finally understood that it wasn't her fault.

Today Austin wanted to hang out with me so we decided to catch a movie. We're going to watch Wreck It Ralph. I've never seen it and it looks like a good movie. I met him near the popcorn machine and he already had the tickets and snacks. I think it's good to hang out seeing as we'll be on tour together soon. Surprisingly we hadn't talked beforehand. Our managers set it up.

We walked into the theatre and sat down near the front. After all the previews the movie finally came on. A few minutes into the movie he did that cliche arm thing. I shifted uncomfortably and he removed it. Towards the end we heard a bunch of little kids cheer at the screen. I giggled and looked at Austin. He started to lean in and I leaned backwards. Luckily no one was sitting next to me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"I thought this was a date."

"I'm in a relationship Austin."

"So? I don't care." He started leaning in again.

"Get away." I got up and started leaving the theatre.

"Camila! Come back. I know you don't wanna leave this." He said pointing to himself.

"Never in a million years!" I shouted before getting into a cab and going back to Demi's.

When I got back, no one was home. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Demi. She said Violet finally woke up. I rushed out of the house and into another cab.

I entered the hospital and Ally ran over to me. I hugged her and asked her where they were. She pointed to a room and I knocked. Demi opened the door and stood aside to let me in. Demi had looked like she was crying. I walked over to Vi's side and she was sitting up.

"Hey babe." I said smiling.

"Babe? Who are you?"

My smile faded and my heart broke.

"Y-you don't remember me?"

"No. I don't."


Thanks for reading guys!! I love you all so much. c: <3

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