Chapter 12

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Demi is literally the best sister ever. She's great at helping and she never leaves. I love her more than she'll ever know. Today the girls of Fifth Harmony are coming over. We're all going to hang out and have fun. Jessie broke up with me a few weeks ago and she thinks that being surrounded by older sister figures will help. I was pretty torn up about it so I guess getting out of my room will make me feel a little better.

The doorbell rang and the girls of Fifth Harmony came rushing in as soon as Demi opened the door. They all came to hug me one by one. I was in between Camila and Lauren and Dinah, Normani, and Ally sat by Demi. Camila started to play with my hair and I have to admit it was pretty relaxing. We all decided to watch a movie and I laid against Camila's stomach. She kissed the top of my head and put her arms around my waist. Laying with her felt right.

After the movie finished we had dinner. Damn it. I'm guessing Demi told them that about my struggles since we're all close friends and stuff from the tour. Camila sat next to me, followed by Demi, Ally, Normani, Dinah, and Lauren. We were having chicken, rice, and salad. Camila put her hand on my leg and gave me an encouraging smile. I ended up finishing half my chicken and rice and some salad. I excused myself and went to my room.

*Camila's POV*
After Violet left I told Demi something only the girls knew.

"Demi..can I talk to you?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"Well, I like Violet..."
"Hmm..maybe you should go tell her."

I took a deep breath and went upstairs. I knocked on the door and she opened it. She had been crying.

"Vi..what's wrong?"
"I just feel really full."
"Aw come here." I hugged her and we laid down on the bed.
"Anything else bothering you?"
"I just feel like no one will ever really love me. I thought Jessie and I would be together forever but I guess not." She turned to look at me. "I guess nobody wants to be with me."
I kissed her to shut her up. I pulled back and she had shock written all over her face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm such an id-"
"Do it again."

I kissed her one more time and she kissed back. No moment has ever been more perfect.

Heeyy I suck at updating I'm so sorry. But I started a YouTube channel and maybe you'd want to check it out? My channel's ChewyChimp410. It'd mean a lot to me. (: Anyways, thanks for reading!! c:

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