Chapter 9

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*Violet's POV*

I ran. I left the house and down the street. I can't believe Demi. Yeah I was lying but she should respect my privacy. I stopped at a bench and caught my breath. A man walked up to me.

"Hey bitch."

Oh shit. It's Wilmer.

"H-how'd you get out of jail?"

"I know people. Now shut it." He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his car. I tried wriggling out but he was too strong. He tossed me in his car and we were driven to his apartment. He threw me on the bed and the next thing I know my clothes are off.

He..he raped me.

"I'm done. Go take a shower slut."

I shakily walked to the shower and washed myself. He dropped me off at the park.

"Keep quiet or you're dead."

I nodded and walked home. I put on a smile and walked inside.

"Where have you been?!"

My mom screamed.

"I-I'm sorry!!" I ran upstairs. Demi was sitting on my bed. I locked the door.

"Vi..will you tell me where you were?"

"I..I.." Before I could finish I busted out into tears.

*Demi's POV*

Oh no. What happened to my baby sister? I wrapped my arms around her and comforted her.

"What happened baby?"

"He..he..raped me.."


"He said if I told anyone he'd kill me.."

"I won't let that happen Vi I promise."

"It was Wilmer.."

Oh. My. Goodness. That fucking dick. I'm going to make sure he pays. I hugged Violet tighter until she stopped crying. I have to tell mom. I walked downstairs.


"Yeah Dems."

"You know how Violet was gone?"


"Well she was..." I started crying. "..raped.."


*Violet's POV*

I heard my name being called so I went downstairs.

"Vi baby are you okay?"

"Y-yeah mommy I'll be okay.."

"You didn't get your period so you can't be pregnant."

"Okay.." I hugged my mom before going upstairs. I know, I'm 15 and didn't get my period. I'm a late bloomer. A short while later my name was being called again.

Before I could reach the bottom, I heard a familiar voice. Jessie! Our date. I forgot because of all that happened. It hurt to walk because the bastard had been rough but I'll fake being okay. I changed and came downstairs.

Sitting on the couch was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She stood up to hug me.

"Mom I'll be back later."

"Okay honey be safe!"

"We will."

We walked along a river near our house, talking about random things. We were both really nervous. Neither of us had been on a date before. I saw her hand dangling so I took the opportunity to grab it. She looked up at me and blushed. We stopped to admire some fish and I walked behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she put her hands on mine. This moment is perfect. I could stay like this forever. She suddenly turned around and my brown eyes met her blue ones. She leaned in and we kissed. Our first kiss. When she pulled away, we both blushed. I pulled her in for a hug and we stayed like this for a while. I should tell her what happened earlier.

"Jess.." I looked her straight in the eye.

"Yeah Vi?"

"I should tell you something.."

"What is it babe?"

"I..I was raped earlier today.."

"Oh no. Baby." She wrapped her arms around me again.

After a while, I noticed it was getting dark. I took her hand and walked her home. She gave me another kiss before heading inside. I walked home smiling to myself. She's perfect.

I walked inside and noticed everyone was eating. I headed upstairs and thought about everything that happened. My tummy was swirling around with butterflies.

*Jessie's POV*

Violet is just an amazing girlfriend. She always leaves me sweet messages to wake up to. I guess I should tell you that I self harm too..but ever since we've started dating..I've stopped. I also get bullied so that led me to it. She makes me feel so happy and beautiful.

*Demi's POV*

I walked in and saw Violet on her side smiling.

"Hey baby sis how was it?"

She blushed.

"It was amazing."

"Did y'all kiss?"


"Awe Vi had her first kiss."

She covered her face.

"Shush Demi." She giggled.

I was the only one who knew she wasn't straight so she couldn't talk to anyone else about it. She seems to trust me the most.

"Hey Vi?"


"Can we talk?"

Thanks for reading!! c:

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