Chapter 6

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*Violet's POV*

~Hey fatsvato. I went to your house. You weren't home. You're probably eating everything at McDonald's.~

I sighed and blocked her number. Why hadn't I done this before? I started crying. I was hungry. I can't eat. No. To distract myself I went on YouTube and watched old videos of Demi from when she was about 15. Seeing her like this made me cry even more. I stopped and curled up in a ball, facing the wall. Tears leaked down my face. The door opened. I didn't bother to see who it was. The person shut the door and crawled into bed. As soon as I got a whiff of the scent I knew who it was.


He always reeked of alcohol. He began touching me inappropriately. I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. Just as he was pulling my pants down, Demi came in.
"Hola babe."
"Come on Demi. Have a little fun."
He got up from the bed and I shifted allowing me to cover myself with the blanket. The cops were here and took Wilmer away.

Demi came in and pulled up my pants. I sat up and bursted into tears. She held me and rocked me back and forth. She was humming My Love Is Like A Star. I soon calmed down and fell asleep.

*Demi's POV*

I can't believe him. That nasty pervert. I feel so bad for Vi. I snuggled up to her before falling asleep.

I woke up and she was shaking. I pulled her closer and hummed softly in her ear. She stopped and smiled. She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"I love you Dems."
"I love you too Vi."
I kissed her forehead. We sorta just laid there until I heard someone knock on the door. I opened it and there were cops. They were coming to ask Violet some questions. I told them I'd get her.

I walked into her room and walked over to her. I lifted up her chin.
"Vi..some cops want to ask you questions."
Her eyes shot open.
"O..okay.." She sat up and went into the living room.

*Violet's POV*

So the cops asked me a few questions before leaving. Wilmer was going to jail for a few years. After they left I went back upstairs to take a shower. I stood in the bathroom looking at my reflection. Scars and cuts covered my body as well as some bruises.
\Ew. You're disgusting. Cut Vi cut. /
I started crying. I just wanted to be normal. I took the blade from behind the mirror and began cutting. I watched the blood pour out of the wounds. Afterwards I cleaned them and finished my shower. Demi was downstairs eating breakfast.
"Hey Vi. You hungry?"
"No..not after last night."
"Are you gonna tell mom?"
"Oh shit. I have to don't I?"
"It's probably the right thing to do."

Thanks for reading!! c:

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