Chapter 5

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*Violet's POV*

Demi laid down on my bed and motioned for me to come over. I laid down facing her and she wrapped her warm arms around my back. She cried softly. I didn't know what else to do besides sing. I sang Nightingale. She fell asleep and I kissed her nose before falling asleep myself. I swear, sometimes I feel like the big sister.

*Demi's POV*

I had a nightmare about my real dad and didn't know who to go to. The first person I thought of was Violet. I walked upstairs quietly crying and knocked on her door. She opened the door and I walked in. I laid on her bed. All I wanted was to cuddle her. She sang me to sleep. Damn I love how she knows what to do to comfort me. I fell asleep against her warm body.

I woke up and she was sleeping. She's so cute when she was asleep. She had her arms wrapped around my waist. I pulled her closer and we laid together for a while. I heard her tummy growl so I decided to make her cereal. I crept out of bed and went downstairs.

*Violet's POV*

I woke up and heard my door being shut. Demi left. I stared at the ceiling until Demi came back in.

"I made you breakfast!"

She's such a child sometimes.

"Thanks Demi!"

I said, faking a smile.

"I heard your tummy growl and figured you'd want something to eat."

"Yeah..I'm hungry."

I took the spoon and started eating. After I was done Demi took my bowl downstairs. I closed the door and locked it. I went into the bathroom and threw it up, brushed my teeth, and then left my room. I decided to go on a walk. I told mom where I was going and went to the park. I sat on a bench and stared at the pond. Someone tapped on my shoulder. Shit. I hope it's not Christi.

Nope. It was Demi. Thank goodness.

"Is this seat taken?" She giggled.

"No Dems." I smiled.

"Whatcha thinking about Vi?"

"Life, school, people."

She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Yes Demi. Practically every day."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You already did Dems."

She put on a pouty face.

"Ask away."

"Will you come live with me while you're on Christmas break?"


"YAY!!" She hugged me. She grabbed my wrist and I winced but she didn't see. We got back to the house and I started packing. We had to fly to LA. That meant no blades. Fuck. Maybe she has razors there. I put my stuff in a suitcase and my phone in my pocket. I told Mads not to hesitate to call or text me. I said goodbye to everyone else and we went on the plane.

I hadn't eaten in a week so I was lightheaded. As soon as we sat down, I passed out. Demi shook me awake when we arrived. We got into her black SUV and got to her house. I had a room there. It was smaller than our family's house so me and Mads shared it. The whole house smelled like Demi. I put my stuff away and went into the bathroom attached to my room. I locked it in case Demi came in. I looked in the cabinet underneath the sink. Sure enough there were razors. I took one out and broke it. I put the blade in between the wall and the mirror. I left and went downstairs.

"So kiddo. Have any crushes?"

"Yeah.. How about you?"

"You tell me and I'll tell you."


"C'mon. I don't judge. You should know."

"..well she's an amazing girl and she has bright blue eyes and blonde hair and she's beautiful and amazing and you tell me now..."

"Oooohhhhh..well he's a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair and he's handsome and cute and yeah..."


"How'd you know?"

"He's your phone wallpaper."

"Someone's been snooping on my phone."

"Oops." I said sarcastically.

It was 5:28pm. Dinner time. I said that I was tired and sick from the plane ride. I went upstairs and checked my phone. Christi had texted me again.

Thanks for reading!! c:

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