Chapter 29

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~time skip to wedding day~
*Violet's POV*
To say I was nervous is an understatement. We've come so far. It's been a few years since we came out and if I'm honest it's been rocky. But I know in my heart that this girl is the one for me. There's no one better, prettier or funnier than Camila.

I'm standing at the altar waiting for her to walk down the aisle. I'm wearing a white dress. Everyone is here. Her family, my family, and the girls of Fifth Harmony. Suddenly I'm ripped from all thoughts as the door opens. Her arm is linked with Alejandro's. She is in a white suit. Tears start dripping down my face at the sight. I can't believe she's all mine. After everything we struggled with, she's the one I get to spend my life with. I love her so fucking much.

I wipe some tears as she reaches me. She's crying too. I hold her hands in mine and the minister starts to speak. I'm not really listening because of the beauty in front of me. She's staring lovingly into my eyes. My ears perk up when he gets to the vows.

"I do." She says and slides the ring onto my finger.
"I do." I do the same.
"You may now kiss the bride."

She lifts up my veil and kisses me with so much passion. She wraps her arms around my waist and everyone starts cheering. I open my eyes and turn towards the aisle. Everyone throws rice at us while we run to the car. I hop in and she sits next to me. She intertwines our hands and kisses the back of mine.

"We made it babe. We're married." She turned to me.
"I love you so much Camila."
"I love you too Violet."

All of a sudden there was a feeling of impact and the world went black.

It's 1am and I have to get up at 5:30 for school nice.

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