Chapter 11

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*Violet's POV*

Shit. Being in the same house with Demi for a few days is hard, let alone MONTHS. It's going to be tough hiding my eating disorder. Also, I'll be away from Jessie. This is going to suck.

^Time skip to a few months of being at Demi's house.^

So I'm still at Demi's house. I've hidden it pretty well..and Jessie's mad at me because she saw me hanging out with my friend Sam. The paparazzi saw us catching up at lunch and she saw the pictures. Sam is also a lesbian but I don't like her that way. I've told Jessie multiple times I don't like her but she won't believe me. So much for trust right?

Demi called me down for lunch. Yay.

"Hey Vi."

"Aye Dems."

"How are things between you and Jessie?"

"Not good. She won't talk to me."

"That sucks. I'm sorry."

"Hopefully she'll get over it."


I finished eating my sandwich and went upstairs to purge when Demi came in. Fuck I forgot to lock the bathroom.

"Vi..are you-oh my gosh!"

"Um..Demi. I don't feel good."

I got cleaned up and she sat me down.

"You know, I've heard you a couple times but I thought you were sick. Is there something you're not telling me?"

I had tears in my eyes.

"Um..Demi...I-I have an eating disorder..."

I heard her gasp and she threw her arms around me.

"I'm going to help you Vi. I don't care how long it takes."

Aye guys it's been a while. Schools out! YAY!! So I've been having writers block with both of my stories and yeah. If you have any ideas, feel free to inbox me or comment them. Thanks for reading!! c:

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