Chapter 19

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*Camila's POV*

The next day I woke up with Violet in my arms and the sun shining on my face. I untangled myself from her and went to the bathroom. On the way I bumped into Demi.

"Morning Demi!"

"Good morning Camila. I was wondering since you guys are leaving if I could have a day with her..."

"Of course Demi. I'll hang out with the girls so we can discuss things. She's your sister after all."

"Thanks Camz." She hugged me and I continued to the bathroom.

When I walked back into Violet's room, she was just waking up. I sat on the edge of her bed and smiled.

"Good morning babe." I kissed her nose.

"Morning Mila." She smiled.

My tummy erupted in butterflies at the sight of it. She's so beautiful. I pecked her lips before telling her what was going on today. She left to go shower and I texted the rest of the girls. We all decided on meeting up here seeing as Demi and Vi were going out. I waited patiently as the girls arrived one by one.

*Violet's POV*

Demi and I were going out to lunch and then an amusement park. Today was going to be busy. It was nice to spend a day with her though.

I sat down at the table and ordered a grilled cheese while Demi ordered a salad.

"So how are you and Camila doing?"

"We're doing really well. I think..I'm in love with her." I said looking down.

"Vi I know you're young but love is different for everyone. I'm happy that you're happy." She smiled at me.

"So any romance in your life?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.


"Demi you're such a terrible liar! Tell me who it is."

"It's Naya..." She blushed.

"Oh my gosh Demi! I bet you guys are so cute together!!" I smiled so big.

"We are..if I do say so myself."

Our food arrived and we ate before heading to the amusement park. Demi, of course, wanted to go on every ride they had there. She got us wristbands before running to the first roller coaster.

Half way through the day, fans started noticing us and following us around. All of a sudden we were mobbed. I lost Demi in the crowd and pushed to the floor. I kept getting stepped on so I stood up quickly and ran far away. I didn't care where I was going or if Demi would be mad. In an alley, I tripped and hit my head off of the ground. My vision went black.

People who comment make me so happy aw. Thanks for reading!! c':

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