Chapter 4

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*Violet's POV*

After Frozen I got a text.

~Hey fatty. Nobody loves you. Not even your cutting freak sister.~

Tears started to form.

~How'd you get my number?~

~Does it matter whore?~

I shut off my phone and as soon as we got home I bolted inside. I ran upstairs and locked my door. I also locked the bathroom door and started crying. I heard Demi calling my name but I didn't care. I took out my blade and slashed my wrists. When there wasn't anymore room I moved onto my thighs. Demi was still pounding on the door. I cleaned myself up then went to open the door. Demi pulled me into a hug.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just had to pee."

"You worried me."

"I'm sorry Demi."

"It's okay V. I love you."

"I love you too."

She kissed my cheek and left. I closed my door and locked it. I always lock my door. I sat on my bed and just stared. I don't want to feel anymore. Nobody loves me. They say that because they're my family. I started shaking and crying. I curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up to knocking on my door. I opened it and Maddie was standing there. She was crying and blubbering words I couldn't make out. We were the only ones on this floor. There were three floors. We were at the top. Mom, dad, Dal, and Demi were below us. She showed me her wrists and they were bloody. I pulled her in my room and sat her on my bed.


"I..I read the hate. It hurt so much. I'm sorry V."

I hugged her and we went into my bathroom. I cleaned her wrist and then sat with her on my bed.

"How do you deal with it?"

"I don't read it and if I do then I just ignore it. Mads you're beautiful and funny and you don't need their approval. I love you. Dad loves you. Mom loves you. Demi and Dal love you. We all love you and that's all that matters." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You're not gonna tell Demi..right?"

"I won't. Wear long sleeves and makeup. After they've healed you should be good. Don't do it again Mads. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks V. I love you."

"I love you too Mads."

She left and I locked my door again. I fell back asleep and woke up to knocking again. I opened the door expecting Maddie but saw Demi instead. She was crying this time. I let her inside. It scared me when she was crying. My sister was tough. If she was crying, something was wrong.

Thanks for reading!! c:

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