Chapter 20

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*Demi's POV*

Violet was nowhere to be found. The mob had cleared and I was rushing around looking for her. My phone rung and Camila's name popped up. I swiped to answer it and continued to look around.


"Camila! What's up?"

"Violet's at the hospital. Your parents called the house looking for you. The girls and I are on our way there."

"I'm coming."

I hung up and sped to the hospital. Nobody was hurt nor did I get a ticket so that was successful. I rushed inside and Camila was there waiting for me. She led me to where my parents where and they were crying.

"Guys what happened..?"

"She's in a coma Demi. We don't even know if she's going to wake up. How could you let this happen?!" My mother spat angrily. Eddie apologized and took her outside to calm down.

I put my back against a wall and slid down before I lost it. My mom was right. How could I let this happen? I'm a terrible sister. I felt a hand on my shoulder and through my blurry vision, I saw someone kneel in front of me. I wiped my eyes and Camila hugged me. She let me cry into her shoulder and rubbed my back.

"Demi she's a fighter. She will pull through." She said with a shaky voice.

"I feel so bad. I could've prevented this."

"You walked around for a long time trying to find her. It's not your fault."

I just nodded. Honestly I felt like she was lying to make me feel better but I knew she wouldn't do that.

The other girls came out of her room and I went in. She was really pale and tubes were sticking out of her body. My heart broke at the sight.

I walked over and kissed her forehead before kneeling and holding her hand.

"I'm so sorry Vi." I started crying again.

"I love you Violet. I wish I could've prevented that mob from coming. I just wanted to spend some time with you." I whispered before leaving.

I walked over to find Camila to tell her she could go in but she and the others were talking to a brown haired boy who looked familiar.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Demi..this is Austin. He's the one who found Violet called the ambulance." Normani explained.

"Hi Austin. Thanks for helping my little sister..." I said shaking his hand.

"No problem." He smiled.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

"My last name is Mahone..if that gives you a hint." He laughed.

"OH. I know who you are. I knew you looked familiar."

"Yeah I get that a lot." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Oh Camila! You can go see Violet now."

"I'll be back later guys." She said before heading off to Violet's room.

*Camila's POV*

I was honestly terrified to see Violet. I hadn't seen her since this morning and I just want her to be okay. I walked in and my breath hitched in my throat. Her head was wrapped up and tubes were everywhere. I couldn't believe this is the same person. She was a lot paler than before too. I pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. I held her hand and kissed it.

"Babe..I hope you wake up soon. I miss seeing your smile. We all miss your presence. I'm glad Austin saved you. I love you Violet." I whispered. I kissed her and sang her favorite song which was Fix A Heart. I then gave her one last kiss and left so her parents could spend more time with her. I joined Demi, Austin, and the others.

Before we had to leave, Austin and the rest of us exchanged numbers to keep in touch. We thanked him again before getting in the car to go home. Demi said we could stay at her house.

Lauren, Dinah, Normani, and Ally stayed downstairs while I went up to Vi's room and laid on her bed. The pillows smelled like her. I started crying again and clutched the pillows to my chest. Someone came in and laid beside me. I opened my eyes and it was Lauren.

"It's been a long day Mila. I think you should sleep."

"C-can you s-stay here?" I stuttered.

"Of course. That's what friends are for." She cuddled me from behind and I was still holding Vi's pillow.

"G-goodnight Lauren.."

"Night Mila." She started to sing to me softly and I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading!! c:

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