Chapter 16

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*Camila's POV*

Later on in the day Dinah, Lauren, Ally, Normani, and Demi took Vi out shopping. I rented a private beach for her birthday and invited all the girls. I set up the party and went to a ring place to buy a promise ring. I took one of her rings and had it measured. I put an infinity symbol and our names on it. I had it put in a box and I hid it in the sand. I put a bunch of rocks around it so I could find it the next day.

I went back to the house and a few minutes later everyone came back with their arms full of bags.

"Did you have fun baby?" I asked.

"Yeah. I missed you though." She says kissing me.

"I would've come if I didn't have to re-record my parts for the songs."

"It's alright babe. I understand."

The next day I wake up nice and early. I slip out of bed and wake up Demi and the other girls. We all pitch in to make breakfast. After everything is laid out, I go upstairs and climbed on top of Violet. I kissed her forehead, nose, and then to her lips. Her eyes fluttered open and I kissed her again.

"Happy Birthday baby." I smiled.

"Thanks babe."

"C'mon I have a surprise for you downstairs." I grabbed her hand and led her to the table.

"You guys did this for me?" She asked smiling.

"Of course!" They all said. We sat down to eat and I helped her with it. After we finished we all got ready to go to the beach.

*Violet's POV*

They said that they were gonna take to me to a beach. I'm so confused right now. I'm also grateful because knowing that someone would do this is amazing.

Camila pulled me over to a spot and made me turn around and cover my eyes.

"Okay Vi. You can turn around."

I turned around and she was holding a box. Not a proposal of course. We're waay too young.

"Violet Ann Lovato you're the love of my life and I know we're only sixteen but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're beautiful, funny, and I know that I never want to leave your side. Will you take this ring and promise yourself to me?"

By this point we were both crying.

"Yes Camila. I will." She slid the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately.

We spent the rest of the night on the beach partying our booties off.

After the party we went home. Camila and I were really tired so we said goodnight to the girls and Demi before heading upstairs.

"I hope you had fun today babe." She said whilst changing.

"I had so much fun. Thanks Camila..for everything."

We both got into the bed and looked at each other.

"Anything for you." She smiled. I bopped her nose and she scrunched it up, giggling.

"You're so cute."

"You are too." She said leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you Camila."

"I love you too Violet."

I slept the best that night.

Thanks for reading guys!! c: It means a lot to me that someone would want to read something that I thought up. I used to be afraid to post something publicly for people I don't know to see. I've grown so much since then. Again, thanks a lot for being supportive. I love you guys. :D

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