Chapter 24

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*Violet's POV*

The next morning I woke up and Camila was gone. There were suitcases on the floor and she walked in.

"Morning baby." She kissed me.

"Why are there suitcases?"

"We're leaving for the tour today."

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

"Get dressed. We're leaving soon."

I took a quick shower and put on leggings and a hoodie. I was still tired so I didn't care. After brushing my teeth, I went downstairs and ate breakfast. Soon enough it was time for us to leave. I hugged my family goodbye and on the road we went. I was greeted by the girls and they all looked happy to see me.

"How are you feeling?" Lauren asked.

"Great now that I'm out of that hell-hole." I chuckled slightly.

"I'm glad. We missed your laughing and Camila seems a lot happier now that you're awake." Ally added.

I looked over at Camila and she smiled warmly at me. I laced our fingers together and kissed the back of her hand. The girls awed across from us.

When we arrived at our destination the girls had to do a sound check. I decided to walk around and see what everything's like. I kissed Camila goodbye and walked towards the outside. A lot of people were going to be here. Some were already lined up and they wanted a picture with me. Their fans are always loving and cute.

After half an hour of walking around, I headed back to the stage. Austin was up there. He was actually a pretty good singer. When he finished his song he spotted me.

"Hey Violet. Listen, I'm sorry about Camila. You're just really lucky to have her and I guess I was jealous. Will you forgive me?"

"Yeah. Just leave her alone please."

"Alright. I will. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I walked back to the bus to see Camila asleep. I don't know where the other girls were but they weren't here. I picked her up and carried her to the back and I shut the door. I laid her on top of me and draped a blanket over us. I kissed her forehead before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

*Camila's POV*
I woke up to the sound of phone cameras. These girls really like taking pictures of us.

"Guys can you not?" I groaned.

"But you two are soooo cute!" Normani cooed.

"Mila we have a show come on wake up." Lauren said.

"Alright alright." I looked down at Violet and she was just so cute. I peppered her face with kisses until she woke up.

"I'd love to wake up like this every morning." She smirked.

"Me too." I winked.

Ally, Dinah, Normani, and Lauren all made gagging noises while we laughed.

Our show went great and we all headed back to the bus. Vi and I shared a bunk and fell asleep instantly.

Thanks for reading!! c: I've been busy with school sorry for not updating until now. :c

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