Chapter 15

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*Camila's POV*

It's been a few months since Violet and I started dating. It's her birthday tomorrow and I wanna do something special. I'm going to get the girls to distract her today while I set everything up for her surprise party. We all have been like living at Demi's house.

I wake up and she's gone. I guess she got up early. It's only 8am. I walk to the bathroom and hear crying. I knock on the door and I hear a gasp.

"I'll be out in a minute!"

"Babe it's me. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm..I'm fine."

"You know Demi doesn't allow that word."

"Alright I'll tell you the truth. I'm not okay. I need you."

"Open the door."

She opened the door and what I saw scared the shit out of me.

Her sleeves were full of blood and there were broken razor pieces on the floor. On the tub were drops of blood and a blade. There were tear tracks on her face and her eyes were puffy.

My mouth dropped open at the scene in front of me.


She dropped to the floor crying. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back.

"Shh. Baby."

Demi walked in and gasped really loudly. Violet kept sobbing.

"Oh baby girl.." She knelt down and took her from me.

"Camila can you clean this up while I talk to her?"


I picked up the blade and flushed it down the toilet. I also picked up the broken razor pieces and threw them away. Lastly, I cleaned up the blood that was on the tub. I then went to Violet's room and sat on her bed, putting my head in my hands.

*Violet's POV*

Demi brought me into her room and asked me why I did it. I got my phone from the bathroom and showed her what was on it.

"Oh my gosh. Vi I'm so sorry."

Somehow Christi had gotten my number, and a new one because I blocked her other one,and was texting me pictures of the hate wall at school.

Words like fat, ugly, disgusting, dyke, and worthless were all over the wall. I just sobbed into Demi's arms.

"You know none of this is true right? They're just mad because they can't have a cool sister like me." She giggled.

"Let's go clean your arms up. The bathroom should be clean."

On the way to the bathroom I glanced into my room. Camila was on my bed crying into her hands.

After Demi cleaned me up I told her I had to talk to Camila.


"Hey Vi.. are you feeling better?" She sniffled.

"Yeah." I climbed into the bed and sat across from her.

I held her hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

"Violet. I need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"I..I love you."

I started tearing up.

"I love you too Camzi." I hugged her and she kissed me.

Thanks for reading!! c:

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