Chapter 7

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*Demi's POV*

I called mom after finishing my breakfast.


"Yeah Demi?"

"I have to tell you what happened last night..."

"Oh no. What happened?"

"I had Wilmer over. We were watching a movie and he got up to go to the bathroom. After a few minutes I went upstairs after him. I..found bed...with Vi.... He's a pervert."

"Demetria Devonne Lovato."

Shit. When your whole name is called, that's when you know you're in trouble.



"Mom.." I started crying.

"I'm sorry mom. I called the cops. He's in jail now. I promise I'll sleep with Vi every night to make sure she's okay."

"You better make sure nothing happens to her."

"I promise mom. I do."

She hung up. I wiped my eyes and went to find Violet. She was curled up on the couch. I went over to her. She had tear tracks all down cheeks. She looked at me and sat up.

*Violet's POV*

I heard her and mom screaming at each other. I'm just a burden. Demi's gonna be sleeping with me. Yay.(notice my sarcasm)

Demi came over to me. I looked at her then sat up. I stood up and went to my room. I wanted to sleep. I laid in my bed and faced the wall. I heard my door open and footsteps coming toward me. I was reminded of flashbacks of last night. I screamed and started crying. Demi didn't know what was happening so she wrapped me up in a hug and started singing. I soon fell asleep.

*Demi's POV*

I don't know what's wrong with Vi. I wish I could make her feel better. She was almost like a robot. A few hours later she woke up.


"Yeah Dems?"

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure. I just freaked out and shut down I guess."

"I love you Vi." My voice cracked at the end.

"I love you too Dems." She snuggled up closer to me.

After a while she woke up. I was hungry so I brought her downstairs and laid her on the couch. I made some chicken salad and called her over. She looked at the food and ran into the bathroom.

*Violet's POV*

I couldn't eat. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I brushed my teeth and Demi was waiting for me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just feel a little sick."

"Go lay down. Maybe tomorrow you'll feel better."

~Two Weeks Later~

I managed to get by without Demi noticing anything. I was finally going home and Demi was going to tour again. I had to go back to school. This is gonna be fun. I entered my house and Maddie was the first one to run up to me. Then Dal, mom, and dad. Mads took my hand and led me upstairs. She opened the door to her room and a kitten was laying on the bed.

"AWWW Mads!!"

She giggled.

"Her name is Buttcheek."


"I know right!"

We both laughed. I pet the kitten before leaving. I went to my room. I locked the door, as always, and took out my blades. I counted them and they were all there. Someone knocked so I quickly stashed them back before opening the door.

"Vi I'm leaving.."

Demi said with tears in her eyes.

"I'll miss you Dems..."

She engulfed me in a hug and cried. I didn't want to let go. I wanted her to stay. I wanted to tell her everything. I just couldn't. I wiped her tears and sang. She calmed down and left. I locked my door and cried. I wanted Demi. I took out a blade and started cutting. The blood trickling down was warm. A few drops got onto the hardwood floor but I'll clean it up. After about an hour I was all cleaned up. I cleaned up the blood from the floor as well. I went on twitter to see if anything was going on. Demi had tweeted about how it was Lovatic Day and she was 3 years unbroken. I told her how proud I was. Funny how she was 3 years clean. I can't even stop myself for a fucking day. I closed the app and fell asleep. Tomorrow I had to go back to school and face Christi.


My alarm blared in my ears. I sighed and went into my bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed. I went to the kitchen where my mom and Mads were waiting. She was eating breakfast so I just sat and waited.

"Aren't you hungry?" My mom asked.

"No. I'm upset about Demi leaving."


After Maddie was finished we left. My mom knows if I'm upset I won't eat.

Christi was waiting for me in the first class.

"Hey Fatsvato. I can tell you had a great vacation. You can always tell by the rolls of fat hanging off."

I sighed and ignored her. I sat in my seat. The day droned on and finally it was over. I was leaving with Maddie when Christi tripped me.

"Hey fatso who's this?"

"I'm her little sister." Maddie said angrily.

"I didn't ask you. Anyway, I have more to say to you whore." She said turning to me.

"C'mon Mads let's go."

I tried to leave but Christi grabbed me and threw me on the ground. Her minions gathered around me and started to kick me. Maddie ran to go get help I guess. I shielded my important organs and let them hit me. There's no way to get out of it. I tried.

After about five minutes of endless abuse, Christi spat on me and left. I got up and ran home. Maddie was rambling to mom when I got home. She noticed me and engulfed me in a hug.

"I tried to get mom to go I really did I'm so sorry!!"

"Mads chill out I'm okay."

Mom came over to me.

"Baby are you okay?" She said inspecting my cut up lip.

"Yeah mom. I'm fine."

I tore out of her grip and ran to my room. I locked the door and cried. I want Demi. Nobody else understands. I cut my wrists and cleaned them up. I did my homework and waited for the day to end.

Thanks for reading!! c:

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