You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 1)

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I know this is a rather short short chapter, even for me. I just wanted to give everyone a chance to know the characters before I decide to continue on or not. I am seriously leaving this story in the hands of the fans. If I get 15 votes on this chapter I will take that as a good sign and move on. If you like it but see where it needs some improvement PLEASE tell me, I'd be glad to change what ever is necessary! Thanks ya'll!



Anne sat uncomfortably in the desk keeping her eyes on the teacher in front of the class room. Even though the teacher was talking there wasn't a sound in the room except for the breathing of every body in the room. Anne's eyes took in every movement of the teachers hands. The teacher, Joe Weber, who wanted to be called Joe, was deaf. Having a deaf teacher made the learning of ASL or American Sign Language much easier for everyone. Anne first had her doubts about learning this way but she soon found herself immersed in the language, picking it up quickly.

"Okay, everyone, remember next week you have a video test. We will be drawing for time slots for your test. You only have to show up and perform you test for the camera and then leave." Joe spoke with a heavy tongue. Yes, he could speak and quite well. Joe didn't lose his hearing until he was deployed to Vietnam, where he caught malaria. Unfortunately for him, in those days the only cure for the disease was to lose you hearing. The first day in his class he openly explained to everyone about his past, he never looked at his hearing loss at a hindrance but as a blessing. If he hadn't lost his hearing he may never of went to college or received his doctorate.

Joe began calling people in alphabetical order to walk up and take a slip of paper out of top hat he kept in the corner. When it was Anne's turn she stepped forward pulling out a small slip of paper that said 8:15. Great, that meant she'd have to get up at the same time then sit around campus for another hour until it was time for her next class. "Alright, everyone is dismissed. Don't forget to study for that test"

Anne jumped from her seat gathering her note book into her arms following behind the rest of the ladies from her class. Most of the students were woman, most coming back to school to find a new profession. This fortunately was Anne's first time in college, being 19, she hoped she'd only have to do it once. She began walking across campus for the cafe, she had an hour before she had to be to her next class, might as well grab lunch. Walking through the cafe she grabbed a sandwich and water then went to take her normal spot underneath a shady weeping willow. Savoring her lunch, Anne pulled out the romance novel she was currently reading. She loved the way the woman just suddenly one day woke up and realized their undying love for the other characters, she knew real love never happened like that. But she thought it was nice to dream, right?

"Ahh. Lady Anne." Her breathe caught in her throat causing her to sputter as she almost choked on her sandwich. After coughing to clear her air way she looked up at Thomas giving him a death glare.

"Jesus, Thomas. What the hell? Can you not sneak up on me and scare the shit out of me please?" Breathing heavy Anne marked her page setting her book down, then looked back up at him. "What do you want, anyway?"

"I wanted a word with you about our project together." He stood in front of her with his back perfectly straight and chin held high.

"What about it?" Anne asked as she put her hand over her eyes to block the sun and the reflection of the sun off his incredibly pale skin. "Hey, Thomas haven't you ever heard of a tan? Your burning my eyes with your paleness."

He shook his head not giving her an answer, "I wanted to ask when you'd like to start working on the project. Since we are both going to receive the same grade, I'm sure you would like to ensure the best possible grade you can get, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. But I already know what topic I'd rather do it on."

"And that would be?" He eyed Anne carefully, causing a weird feeling to come over her, almost causing her to shudder with fear.

"Well since it is World History, and we do have a free reign as to what we'd like, I was thinking Henry VIII." Suddenly Thomas began laughing, his hand holding his stomach. His laugh was suddenly just as menacing as his intense gaze. "What? Don't like it?" Anne asked defensively, jumping up grabbing her note book and water and stomping off. She needed to get to her next class anyway.

'Henry VIII, really! She had no clue what she was getting herself into with that topic. If that's what she wanted to do the project on, he'd give her information on that family that you couldn't find in any book.

Thomas turned to watch her as she walked away mad, he looked back at the spot she once occupied and noticed her book she had been reading laying in the soft grass. He picked it up looking over the cover, "Be Still My Vampire Heart", he turned it over reading the small summary on the back. A vampire love novel, what was with ladies now a days with their vampire romance novels. If they only knew. With that Thomas tucked the small paper back book under his arm and walks off in the direction of his next class.

When he first laid eyes on Anne a few weeks ago she took his breath away. She resembled Catherine so much, his perfect little Katie. Catherine was his first real love, and only real love, his heart died years ago when she had been ripped from his life so violently. They shared the same last name, Thomas had often wondered were they related. He'd have to do some digging, but he was certain they were, the resemblance was too uncanny.

A vibration from his pocket snapped Thomas back to reality, he dug into his pocket pulling out his tiny cell phone flipping it open, "Good morrow, Francis."

"When will you be done with your studies?" A voice called back.

"I'm finished now. What do I say I have the pleasure of speaking to you for?" Thomas asked with a slight attitude.

"You know why, and stop speaking as if you are still a courtier, we haven't been members of a court in over 500 years. I'm hungry, so get home so we can go round up some dinner." He could hear the disdain dripping from every word in his voice. Thomas hated how Francis "rounded up dinner" so to speak, he had no care for mortal life anymore, though long time ago, he too was a lowly mortal.

Francis had been there for Thomas, when he was due at the executioners block, Francis promised him a new life, and hope that he could save his love.


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