You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 4)

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Before you start reading, I want to thank the few people that asked me to continue on with this story. I want this to be considerably more humorous than my other story, but it's also a romance. I'm don't want the romance to happen over night... it has to slowly build until one day... BAM... they realize what's in front of them. Thanks again. Enjoy! Don't forget to vote vote vote and comment !!! Stacy


With the music blaring Anne was perched on her bed shoveling microwavable Thai food into her mouth, it was always her guilty pleasure. Her mind mulled over the questions that Thomas had scribbled in her book. Who was he to question what she wanted in life? Wasn't it every girls dream to find someone who would give their all for the person they loved, at least it was for her. Anne had always liked vampire novels, whether it be Anne Rice or her harlequin novels by Kerrelyn Sparks. Something about vampires was forbidden, sexy, and mysterious, all the qualities she'd want out of her perfect relationship. Anne knew from growing up no relationship could be perfect, those bumps in the road seemed reasonable, and something true love could overcome.


"What the?" Anne said to herself as she paused the music, just then she heard a simple quiet knock. "I'm coming, hold on." Throwing the door open, Anne jumped back at the sight of Thomas at her door. Her face quickly falling into one of annoyance.

"Anne." Thomas' velvety voice called out. He smiled brightly at her, hoping to convey his apologies without having to actually say them.

"What do you want? And how exactly did you find out which room was mine, are you stalking me now?" Anne spat with anger leaning against the desk close to the door.

His smile fell instantly causing his shoulders to slump forward. "I'm sorry, Anne. Again I was rude to you, and that isn't my intentions. I just want to know you and what you are thinking, but you constantly push me away. But you read this stories of finding the impossible love, I just yearn to understand you, my lady." He confessed as he brought his eyes back up to meet her confused gaze.

"Your intentions, Thomas? You constantly remind me of how my beauty raptures your heart, then you turn around and laugh at my thoughts and my dreams. Its obvious you aren't quite clear at all in your intentions with me, seeing how your not really trying to get to know me. And at this moment, all I want from you is you assistance on this damned project, then nothing else." Anne sighed deeply, looking away shaking her head in disbelief. He never gave up, no matter what she said or did. What exactly was is about herself that he couldn't just move on from, it was obvious most of the female population of this school found him gorgeous and completely irresistible. But Anne didn't, yes, he was quite hot but Anne just couldn't picture herself with someone like him. She felt there was no reason to lead him on only to hurt people unnecessarily later on.

"Like I said before, I'm sorry, Anne. I never meant to make you feel that way, I do want to know you better. To understand you thoughts and dreams, but if you don't mind me asking. Why do you dream of falling in love with someone you couldn't have? Or would be completely incompatible with?" He asked curiously as he leaned against the door jam, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.

"Jesus, Thomas. You look to far into the vampire love novel, its not the vampire part that is what I want. Its the fact that these two people that shouldn't love each other. Their love for one another conquers all the obsticals in their way, they'd gladly lay their life down for the other. I want that, if you must know. I want something pure, so are you going to laugh at me? Or are you satisfied that you got that much out of me?" Anne glanced back at the clock on the wall, quickly rushing to pull on a pair of flip flops and snagging her books off a desk. "I've got to go to class, so if you don't mind." Pulling the door behind her, she jogged down the hallway taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Leaving Thomas standing there in a complete stupor, she wanted a pure love. Something to conquer all, he wanted that once, but he couldn't get to her in time.

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