You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 5)

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"So my friend, what fun are we getting into tonight?" Francis asked jokingly, Thomas knew he would have him following him. Francis always took up a chance to get a meal, especially on from a young beautiful girl.

"Frat party?" Thomas replied with out much enthusiasm. Abigail had already asked him repeatedly to join her at the party. She had been trying for the past three weeks to talk to him. After talking to Anne, Thomas thought it be best if he tried to occupy himself with some other girl. And Abigail was fine enough for his taste. She sported black, straight hair, and her eyes were a simple brown. Nothing about her sparked the fire in his chest that Anne had, but he knew he would never get her, and it was time to let it go.

"Mmm... I'm sure we can find a tasty morsel there. I'll get ready, shouldn't you do the same?" Francis eyed Thomas curiously. He simply nodded back to his companion then headed for his room.

Ring Ring

"Hello?" Thomas called into his cell phone.

"Thomas? It's Abby. I was wondering if you decided to come to the party?" She paused, her voice full of doubt.

"Yeah, I'll be there. I'm bringing a friend with me, but you won't have to worry about him." Thomas looked over his shoulder noticing Francis standing in the doorway. Francis had no sense of privacy any more, often telling Thomas that he had become a prude. Once he was off the phone, Thomas waited for the verbal abuse that was soon to follow.

"So, we are picking up your girlfriend?" Francis snickered as he eyed Thomas yet again. "I thought you were changing clothes."

"I am, Francis. And, no, Abigail is not my girlfriend, simply a girl I am talking to at the moment." He snapped as he walked into his closet removing a black button up, a white t-shirt, and some relax fitted blue jeans. Keeping the top buttons undone and the tails not tucked in, Thomas rolled the cuffs giving himself a relaxed feel. Knowing their was going to be lots of drinking and dancing, he wanted to be as comfortable as possible. "Shall we leave now?" Thomas asked sarcastically.

"Yes, I'm starving." Francis commented as he licked his lips.


"Geez, my feet are killing me!" Bobbi Leigh huffed as she flopped on Natalie's bed. They had spent three hours looking for just the right outfit for the party.

Natalie threw her bags down on the floor, then looked at Anne, "If you don't find a guy tonight then there is something wrong with the male population of this school!" She bent down pulling out a bundle of cloth handing it over to Anne smiling. "Get dressed, and don't forget to put sexy underwear on. Granny panties doesn't scream sexiness!" Natalie joked.

"Oh, thanks Natalie! Like I own a pair of granny panties." Anne rolled her eyes as she grabbed out her favorite black and red lace bra and matching boy short panties. "Sexy enough for you?" She held them up, only to be followed by wolf calls from Bobbi Leigh and Natalie.

"I'd say."

Each girl turn their turn dressing, and working in on their hair. Anne's red halter dress came to about mid-thigh, pairing it with black satin pumps. Finally finishing up, Natalie and Bobbi Leigh each grabbed a few bucks for a cab, shoving the bills into their bra's. "We ready to get this party started?" Natalie joked lightly.

Bobbi Leigh giggled and started dancing to the song playing in her head. "I think B is already at the party!" Anne laughed holding her stomach.

Pulling in front of the frat house, Anne and her friends stepped out of the cab seeing the party was already in full swing. The front porch was littered with bodies, talking, dancing, and drinking. Natalie cleared the path into the house, Bobbi Leigh following directly behind her with Anne behind both of them.

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