You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 14)

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I know it's short, I wanted it to be longer but I just go extremely pissed at Ticketmaster for a stupid fee they make you pay whenever you buy one damn ticket, it's a father's day gift for my husband to see his idol who is coming to town for a once in a life time show... so I have to suck it up and deal with it I guess! I hate ticketmaster, they suck!


As soon as class was released Anne grabbed up her books and hustled out of the room with Thomas following close behind her. She needed to go check on Natalie, and let her know she was okay. Knowing Natalie she'd had already put out a missing person's report.

"Anne?" Thomas called to her feet carried swiftly to her room. "Annie!"

"What?" The stopped suddenly catching Thomas off guard as she snapped.

"What's wrong? Why are you mad?" Thomas watched her as her eyes face softened as she looked at him.

"I'm not mad Thomas. I didn't think about calling Natalie last night, and knowing her, she's called the police and told them I'm missing." Anne said quickly as she turned back around and began walking toward her dorm room with extra vigor. Within five minutes they had reached their door with Anne stumbling through her key ring to find the right key.

As she opened the door and walked in nothing seemed out of place, she walked to her desk and dropped her bag on the top. "She must be at class." Thomas started but Anne quickly held her hand up as her eyes searched about the room.


"No, what? Anne?"

"She didn't come home last night, at all. Those dresses, those are the ones she tried on before the party last night. She would of called, if she stays out she calls me, and to think of it, why didn't she try to call me last night?" Anne's voice became instantly frightened as she realized Natalie was in fact the one missing and not her. She turned to look at Thomas, her eyes were brimming with tears as she looked back at the empty bed. "What am I going to do, Thomas?"

"We'll find her. We are going to call the campus police and do this right. We have no reason to believe Francis or any other vampire has something to do with this." Thomas mentioned as he pulled out his cell phone dialing 911 instantly. "Yes. I need to report a missing student. Yes. Room 521 Harting Building, yes." With that said Thomas snapped his phone shut and moved to Anne's side. "They'll be here momentarily."

"Thank you, Thomas." Anne spoke softly as she closed the space between them as she hugged his side burying her head into the side of his chest. Though his body was chilled Anne felt oddly comfortable with him, even his scent was intoxicating to her. As she rested her head against his chest some part of her was startled to not hear the normal thrumming of a heart beat but instead she heard nothing, just silence.

"I'll be here for you as long as you want me." He announced, before he could continue he was cut off the by loud rapping at the door. Thomas peeked as he open the door slightly spotting the men dressed in uniforms standing in front of the door. Opening the door widely, Thomas allowed the police into the room, who immediately began asking questions to Anne and himself.

"When was the last time you saw her miss?" A middle aged, overweight cop asked Anne.

"Last night, we went to a part at Alpha Beta house. I left early and ended up staying at my friend's room watching movies all night. But I never got a phone call from her all night. So after my first class I rushed back here, that's when I noticed her bed had been un-slept in she left no note of any kind like she normally would." Anne replayed last night and quickly moved on to her assumption of Natalie's disappearance.

"And who is this young man?"

"Thomas Culper, he's working with me on a project in World History, and we are friends."

"Is he the friend you were with last night?"

"And what exactly does that have with you finding Natalie?" Anne snapped loudly, her anger was clearly at it's boiling point. Thomas just looked on with awe as she began ranting at the unsuspecting cop standing in front of her. "For you information, SIR, I was in my friend Bobbi Leigh's room last night, that's a GIRL! I can give you her room number too if you must have it. Thomas doesn't even live on campus so how could I possibly stay in his ROOM! Why are you questioning about my personal life when you should be out there looking for Natalie. Her family had donated a lot of money to this school and I am sure they won't be pleased to hear about your slack performance in the search and rescue of their beloved daughter."

After that the cop got back on track asking for a few recent pictures of Natalie which Anne easily retrieved from a cork board that was hung on the wall, one was of her and Natalie smiling happily at the camera in bathing suits at the beach and the other was picture of just Natalie posing for the camera while laughing. As she passed the pictures over a lone tear escaped sliding down her cheek sleekly only to fall to it's death after a second. Thomas couldn't stand to see her in so much pain he excused himself only to moved swiftly to Anne, pulling her up in his arms allowing her to sob freely into his chest.

"Thank you, Miss Howard. We will call you if we get any leads." With that the cops quietly left shutting the door firmly behind them.

"Something in my gut is telling me this isn't just Natalie running off with some random guy. Something bad is happening to her or she is in some deep trouble."

"Do you want to go to your next class?" Thomas asked her quietly as he moved her to the bed to sit her down on the edge. Anne shook her head no as her eyes stared forward, fix in that position, she was clearly lost in thought and Thomas wasn't going to disturb her.

Thomas walked across the room once again pulling out his phone and he hand moving over the keys faster than any human could, then put the phone to his ear. "Bobbi? We have a problem. No. Yes. Okay."


Within twenty minutes Bobbi came walking through the door, her hair was a mess and her eyes looked red, and full of worry. "I couldn't find her. I checked all the dorm buildings and classrooms, nothing there. I went back to the Alpha Beta house, her scent was still lingering there but is wasn't fresh, she hadn't been there in hours." Bobbi announced once she settled down on the bed beside Anne.

"We'll find her, Anne." Thomas reassured her. Bobbi wrapped her arm around Anne hugging her as if trying to hold her together.

Ring Ring

Thomas jumped as the silence was cut by his phone ringing in his pocket. He whipped it out opening it at once. "Hello?"

"We have a lead."

"And that would be?"

"She was seen leaving with a man in his early twenties with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was being pretty forceful, from what we are told. You know anyone by that description?"

Thomas' eyebrows rose in suspicion as he cut his gaze over to Bobbi, who could hear the conversation clearly. "No, sir, I don't. I will check with Anne, but I doubt she knows anyone who act that way too."

"What?" Anne asked as soon as Thomas hung up the phone.

"I know who has her." All the blood left Anne's face turning her as pale as a sheet.

"F-Francis?" She didn't even have to look at him to know the answer, deep down she knew he'd had her the whole time. But how was she to get her back?

"Bobbi, go take care of the police. I need to make a few phone calls, and meet us back here!" Thomas stated forcefully. Bobbi nodded and jumped from her seat and was out the door before a second could pass.

"Don't worry Anne, we'll get her back. She'll survive this."

"She may, but I have a feeling I won't." Anne mumbled as she wrapped her arms around herself.

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