You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 16)

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Thomas turned as he heard the door slam closed, taking in a chest full of air he let it out slowly, he thought giving her some space would help her relax, not cause her to get pissed and storm off. He could hear her breaths coming out ragged, but she wasn't crying, not yet at least. Anne was clearly fighting to control her emotions, unfortunately she was only human and most of them were at the mercy of their emotions. Thomas leaned forward letting his head to drop into his hands as he waited for her to calm down. He would talk to her once she was calm.

Just then Bobbi walked in happily, her arms heavy with grocery bags. Her smile suddenly dropped when she took notice of Thomas sitting in silence on the couch and she could hear Anne's feeble attempts to stop herself from crying.

"What the hell did you do?" Bobbi seethed as she zipped over to the couch giving Thomas a death glare.


"Nothing?" She nearly yelled but reigned in her temper so it only came out as a whisper. "That doesn't sound like nothing." Bobbi pointed down the hallway to Anne's door. "I don't know what you did, but you better go fix it now or you'll spend eternity with out your manhood."

Thomas rolled his eyes as he hear Maurice chuckle from behind Bobbi. He remained quiet during the entire argument and went about his business unloading groceries into the cabinets and refrigerator.

"I was planning on talking to her once she calmed down."

"Hell no, you go fix this NOW!" Bobbi lifted him from the couch by his shirt which was now straining to remain in one piece. "GO!" She demanded as she scowled at him.

Holding his hand up in surrender Thomas mumbled, "Fine." He quickly set off down the hallway stopping in front of Anne's door he knocked quickly. After a few second the door quietly clicked open to reveal a red eyed Anne, her eyes were puffy and wet, and her soft cheeks were stained by her tears. "Annie." He cooed softly, bringing his hand up to her cheek. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to act that way, I just thought you needed some space."

Anne's face softened briefly before her anger flared up, "So after last night, and then this morning you decided to give me space? Or you ASSUME I need space. You've bound to hear what happens when you assume, it makes an ass out of you and me!" She huffed as she moved back to her bed crossing her arms angrily over her chest only causing her cleavage to push together more.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you thinking I was taking advantage of the situation. Anne, I really like you and want you to feel the same way, but when you're ready to feel that way." Thomas stated as he leaned against the door way looking at Anne with pained eyes.

"And who says I don't feel that way?" Anne asked as her gaze busy watching her thumbs wrestle.

In less than a second Thomas was kneeling in front of her covering her hands with his. "Anne?"


"Dance with me, please?" Thomas asked softly as he lifted her chin with his thumb and index finger. Suddenly music softly began to play from another room.

Anne giggled at the soft music and quietly said, "Thank you, Bobbi."

"YOUR WELCOME!" She yelled from the kitchen.

Thomas and Anne laughed at her friend's timing. Holding out a hand, Anne quickly took Thomas' as they began to run the same steps over and over again. Again Anne lands in his arms being hoisted up and slowly bringing her down her eyes were again closed as she enjoyed the simple movements of the dance. She thought back how it would be to be in court in the gowns dancing and swirling around a room full of people doing the same thing.

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