You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 11)

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Hey, I'm sorry for the long delay. Between a crappy last week, traveling, and writer's block I finally got Chapter 11 completed. I hope you all enjoy it, and please vote vote vote! It's pretty long, and we will be getting into some intense times coming up. Stay tuned!



Now five minutes late, Anne finally walked into her history class. Her professor glared at her for being tardy. Anne quietly apologized and moved quickly to her normal seat. It took every fiber of Anne's will to not look toward Thomas, she was certain he was looking at her. And being as strong willed as she was, Anne refused to let him see her cry or any other sign of weakness.

"I have a lot of paper work to attend to, so today I want you to work with your partner on your projects. Don't forget to pick up your packets explaining the outline description I want." The elderly teacher croaked out. The sudden realization of what he just said slapped Anne back to the present time. She couldn't just leave, but now she was stuck for the next hour and twenty minutes with the last person she wanted near her. Oh God, why?

People started getting up from their seats rearranging themselves with their partners, suddenly beside her, Anne felt the slight breeze from someone sitting down.

"Anne, I need to talk to you. Please." He sounded so hurt, and sincere. Anne shook her head, she couldn't fall for this lie again, she'd be stupid to do so.

"No you don't, Thomas. I understand completely." Anne expressed plainly. She refused to make eye contact, forcing herself to keep her eyes on the table or in her research books.

"I don't think you do, Anne. What you saw," He paused to sigh deeply. "It's not what you think."

"Can you be any more cliché, Thomas?" Anne gave up, she looked up glaring at him. Unfortunately she was horrible at hiding her anger, her sadness had suddenly morphed into a boiling rage.

"Just listen, please. Anne?" No matter how rude or pissed Anne remained, Thomas' face was full of genuine regret.

"Fine. What?"

"I went to speak to Natalie. I thought she may of got the wrong idea about my feelings towards her. I don't like her, Anne, not like you assume. She latched herself on to me, I tried to remove her nicely but she's awfully persistent. Then she forced her lips upon me. It was never my intent to hurt you. I'm deeply sorry for what you saw, but it didn't mean anything."

"Okay." Only bringing herself to say one word. She kept playing what he said over and over in her head as she kept replaying what she witnessed. Anne was confused, she didn't know if she should trust what he was saying. But she needed to talk to Natalie before she went any further in a judgment.

Anne remained tight lipped the entire class, refusing to open up or show any signs of weakness in his presence. As soon as the professor declared they could leave she was out the door without a second thought. She thought she heard footsteps following behind her so she quicken her pace, soon she was full on running toward her dorm room. Who ever was following her she didn't want to deal with at that moment. Running into the building she saw a few students entering the elevator, she yelled for them to hold it, and quickly slipped in with them. As the doors slowly slid closed she saw Thomas standing outside with a worried look pasted on his face. Anne was the last one off the elevator since she lived on the top floor, once she finally reached her door she slipped the key in unlocking the door nonchalantly. She saw Natalie bent over books at her desk when she entered, instead of doing her usual greeting she walked to her bed flopping down is a loud huff.

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