You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 13)

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"Wake up, Annie." Anne's eyes fluttered open to see Bobbi Leigh standing in front of her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she sat up. Last night's events came flooding back to her instantly making Anne snap to attention and looking around. Thomas was no where to be seen.

As if knowing what was running through her head Bobbi quickly spoke up. "He'll be back before we leave for class. He needed to feed and shower." She mentioned nonchalantly, "Go take a shower and your welcome to any of my clothes."

"Your not leaving too?" Anne questioned lightly, she didn't like the thought of being alone.

"No. I don't have class until this afternoon, so I'll be staying right here. Just go shower and relax."

Anne nodded as she got up from the bed and trudged to the bathroom. Turning the water to really hot, Anne stripped down and finally jumped under the water once she saw steam starting to rise from the small shower cubical. The hot streams of water tumbled over her body she replayed last night over and over in her head always coming to the same ending, she fell asleep in Thomas' arms. He comforted her when she was having an unimaginable dream. His cool grip had soothed her clammy body. Minutes later she emerged from the steamy shower wrapping a plush towel around her torso. Anne swiped her hand over the mirror to inspect herself through the clouded glass. Lack of sleep was evident on her face, but other than the slight bags under her eyes she looked ready to face the day.

Opening the bathroom door to walk back in Bobbi's room, Anne stopped dead in her tracks. There standing a few feet away from her was Thomas his eyes widened at the sight of her in only a towel. "Umm.. I-I d-didn't." Before she could finish her sentence Anne spun around and rushed back into the bathroom. Anne's heart was leaping in her chest causing her breathing to become labored and ragged, he had just seen her practically naked. If it wasn't bad enough that he had to protect her from his deranged friend, and her liking him, he's seen her damn near naked.

"Annie? I have some clothes for you." Bobbie said into the closed door. Anne desperately urged her body to calm down, finally getting her breathing under control she open the door up slight to retrieve the clothes and shut it swiftly once they were firmly in her grasp. Taking her time Anne dressed in the black skinny jeans and black top that draped off her bare shoulder. She quickly dried her hair and ran a flat iron over the fire engine locks, she still liked admiring the color. Anne always wanted to do something crazy like dying her hair some unnatural color, and now that she's done it, she couldn't imagine going back to some typical natural color. Taking a final look at herself in the mirror Anne opened the door again, this time completely clothed. She purposely tried to not glance at Thomas afraid of what his face give away.

"Good morning, Anne." Thomas said quietly.

Unable to stop herself, Anne smiled slightly, "Good morning." Instantly she felt her cheeks warm up, knowing the blush was evident. As she turned away trying to hide her face, she noticed Bobbi was no longer in the room. "Where's Bobbi?"

"She went to get you some breakfast. She figured you'd be hungry." He mentioned as he took a seat on the bed she occupied a while earlier.

"Oh. Okay." Anne fidgeted around hoping to make herself look busy, but she had this strange feeling she was failing terribly at it.

"Anne? Are you okay?" Thomas asked softly.

"Um. Yeah, why do yo ask?" The words slipped out a bit too quickly to sound completely convincing.

"Well one you won't even look at me and two you look like you've had one too many cups of coffee." Thomas' voice conveyed the smirk that played on his face. "If this is about earlier, I'm sorry I didn't know you'd come out undressed. But I didn't see anything." He tried to reassure her, hoping she'd open up.

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