You're Just Not My Type (Chapter 19)

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Anne watched as Bobbie walked out of the room, promising to give her a few minutes to collect herself. Did she really want this? What would happen to her and her family when they finally realized she wasn't aging? Could she still remain friends with Natalie or would she have to give her up too.

Anne's head was buzzing with questions and what if's as she hurried to get dressed in some decent clothes. She bypassed all the low cut tops and tight pants that Bobbie had packed for her and dug out a pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt. Finally feeling comfortable, Anne trudged out of the room pulling her hair back in a messy bun on the crown of her head.

In the living room Thomas sat across the room in a wooden chair against the wall, his face was down turned with his hair making a veil shielding him from other on lookers. Bobbie grinned as she held up a plate with french toast and fruit on it.


"Ravenous!" Anne grinned as her stomach growled on cue. Hurrying over to the couch, she snagged the plate from Bobbie and began to shovel the contents into her mouth.

"So while you inhale your food we'll talk." Bobbie instructed then turned and hissed something a Thomas. He slowly sat up his eyes were rimmed in red, like he was crying. Could vampires cry? "So to become a vampire, we'll have to drain you until you're almost dead, then replace you're blood with some of ours. Just like surgery on a human, there can be some side effects. You could never wake up, you could die, you could make a half change in which we'd have to dispose of you, and there are many other things that could go awry. But you need to know that this isn't an exact science, they say it's all on instinct."

Anne gulped down a mouth full of strawberry and looked from Thomas and then to Bobbie quickly. "Have you changed anyone before?" She said her gaze locked on Bobbie.

"Once. Nearly a hundred years ago."

"Did it go well?"

"As well as one can expect it too. But what I meant Annie, is some bodies just can't take the transformation. Their body wants to remain that of a human and isn't willing to give it's self over to the transformation. That's how we have half changes. The end results of those tragic transformations are never good."

Anne bobbed her head in understanding.

"Next, once we save Natalie, we'll wipe her mind clear of us. She won't remember us or we'll implant something like a big falling out. Of course we'll have to do the same for your parents and her parents. You won't be allowed to go home, you can live with me or Thomas. Whomever you prefer. We do live a life of solitude, for the most part. That's why some of us like to remain in the same area as other vampires. It's nice to have someone to talk to that shares the same life as you." Bobbie gave her a indifferent smile as she glanced over at Thomas, who was just sitting there staring forward. His eyes were blank of any emotions or thoughts.

Those first hundred years are the hardest for all of us. We watch all those people we love and know die, and as much as we want to be by their sides in their finally days. We can't. But if you still want to do this, Thomas and I will be here for you. We can't stop the pain, but we can help you through it." Bobbie reached over and gently touched her shoulder, Anne's gaze snapped over to her's. Could she really do this? She thought.



"You want to be like us, Annie? You want to be a monster like Francis? Feeding off people or fighting the urge every day to want to rip into someone's neck? We are nothing more than parasites living off others to sustain our life." Thomas snarled as he rose from his seat and was now standing in the center of the room fuming.

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