Chapter 3

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"Hey, Stiff," comes a voice from behind me. I am tempted to turn, but I don't. I'm not a Stiff anymore. I'm Dauntless. I'm brave.

"Stiiiiff," the voice whines, and I tense up. Even when he's drunk, I know that voice. "Why does Eaton get you all to himself?"

"Go away, Peter," I call, still refusing to turn and look at him. I feel someone grab my shoulder, and I soon around defensively. When I see that it's him, I instinctively reach for a knife, which I obviously don't have. I don't carry weapons around the compound for fun.

"Just let me hug you," he says, his voice slurred, his posture sagging. His eyes roam around the room, clearly a drunken man's eyes.

"Go hug the wall," I mutter, and I push past him. I run up the Pit and into the tattoo parlor, where Tori is giving a young boy a tattoo of a bird on his shoulder.

"What kind of bird is that?" I ask, staring at his shoulder. He looks up.

"It's a crow," he says softly. I tense up, but still smile.

"Tori's good at birds, huh?" I say, more to myself than anyone else. But still, the boy nods.

"How are you, Tris?" she asks. She doesn't look up, but I still feel like she is genuinely curious.

"Besides Peter trying to molest me in the Pit?" I say sarcastically. "Just chipper."

"Why on earth would he do that?" Tori asks, briefly glancing up. I can tell the boy with the crow tattoo is uncomfortable, but I have learned over the years not to care.

"He was drunk? He was lonely? He knows he can't find a girlfriend when he's sober, so he figured in his drunken state that he'd try to steal me?" I smile slightly. It's no secret that I dislike Peter.

Tori laughs, but doesn't mess up the tattoo. I guess no one really likes Peter, except Peter himself.

"How are you, Tori?" I ask. She pauses and shrugs.

"You know," she says softly, "it's normal. It isn't really anything special."

"Well, I'd better let you get back to that tattoo."

"Yeah. Right. See you later, Tris."

"Bye Tori."

I walk out of the parlor, much calmer, and walk straight into Uriah when I turn.

"Hi!" he says, smiling and helping me regain my balance.

"Hi," I reply, smiling.

"Were you looking for Tobias?" he asks. I wasn't but I still say, "Yes, have you seen him?"

"Yup, right over there." He points to the chasm, where Will is leading the transfers.

"Thank you," I say, kissing Uriah on the cheek. He smiles, hugs me goodbye, and goes back to walking to whoever he was walking to.

I smile and begin to run towards the chasm when the wall of transfers scatters, and I freeze in my tracks.

Tobias holds Peter over the chasm with one hand.

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