Quick Little A/N

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A/N: Hey guys!  I just realized how many votes, comments, and reads this story has gotten!  I just wrote this story for fun at first.  You know, to see if I could get about 10 people to read it.  But I want you to know I've read every single comment and I know how much you all love this story, so I'm going to take it more seriously.  I'll post more!  And please keep commenting and voting!  If you think anything should happen in the story, comment, and even if I don't reply, I'll take it into consideration.  I hope you like it so far!  And sorry for ending all of my chapters in cliffhangers-- it's a thing I like to do for some reason.  Okay, now I'm rambling when I could be writing another chapter, so thanks for reading!  Let's get it to 100 votes and 2,000 reads!  Okay?  Okay. :)

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