Chapter 25

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I take a shaky step onto the edge, over the rail-- one more small step and I'll be over the rail.  Just one step.  Why is it so hard?  I close my eyes and lean forward, feeling my body begin to drop.  But then my hand reaches out behind me and grabs for the railing.  One hand, held backwards at an awkward angle, holds me up from death.  I'm so stupid.  I shouldn't have come out here.  Now, instead of the quick and painless death I had hoped for, I'm going to die regretting every second.

"Tris!" A male's voice rings out across the empty walls.  I know it's not Tobias, and it's not Uriah, either.

"Zeke," I whisper weakly.  It's now or never.  Just let go.  Just let go.

I hear footsteps slapping the ground.  I knew people in the control room would find me.  I just didn't know he'd come this fast.  A wave splashes up onto me, and for a horible second I'm suspended in air, my clothes drenched, my fingers slipping, and my body plummeting.  Then a strong, sturdy hand reaches out for my wrist.  Zeke pulls me up off of the edge, and the moment we're on the ground, I yank out of his grip and back up against the railing.

"What was that for?" he asks bluntly, coming towards me again.  I step back even more.

"Don't come any closer to me," I say with a scowl. "I'll jump.  Again."

Zeke backs up instantly, his hands up near his face, looking tired and afraid.  "Tris," he says pleadingly, "I don't know why you're doing this.  But think of everyone.  Think of Four.  Think of Christina.  Think of Will, and Uriah, and me, Tris.  If this is because of Peter, don't waste your time.  He's not worth giving up a life for."

I finally break down, tears collecting in my eyes and threatening to choke me, and I allow them to spill down my cheeks as I speak.  "Don't you get it?  Zeke, we're all gonna die.  Knowing my luck, I'll die tomorrow.  So why not just end it now?  I'm sick and tired of suffering because one person after another makes me feel so unimportant and useless, and I--" I stop and gasp for air.  "I c-can't take it anym-more!  I don't s-see why you can't realize that."  I wrap my hands round the railing behind me.

And I jump.

A/N: Do't worry, guys, this isn't the end!  *suspense*

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