Chapter 28

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~ three months later ~

"I do," I say, just loud enough for Tobias to hear me. The minister, dressed in all black robes and bearing piercings in his eyebrows and mouth, smiles.

"You may now kiss the--" he begins, and Tobias smashes his lips onto mine, my flowing black dress giving way to his arm around my back. He looks so handsome in his black suit, his muscles easily seen beneath the fabric, his eyes gleaming with pride that he is now my husband, and I am now his wife.

Christina and Will scream the loudest, cheering and whooping and hollering.  I break the kiss and smile at Tobias, and he takes my prosthetic hand in his.  We walk down the aisle of people together-- well, okay, we run-- and go straight to the reception.  After hours of Dauntless chocolate cake, dancing, laughing, smiling, and kissing, we make our way back to our apartment.

I collapse into his arms as soon as we get into the living room, laughing uncontrollably.  "What is it?" he asks, a smile playing on his lips, as well.

"We're married!" I manage to squeal.  He chuckles and nods. 

"Yeah, I guess we are."

I stare at him for a moment, and note his facial expression.

"What?" I ask.  He shrugs.

"You just look so beautiful."  Maybe it's the adrenaline from getting married finally hitting me, or maybe it's the hint of truth in his voice, but whatever it is, I tear up.

"You're just saying that because you have to," I say, trying to lighten the mood.  But he shakes his head and wraps an arm around me.

"No," he whispers, pulling me close enough to feel his heartbeat.  "I'm saying that because you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever met."

I look up into his eyes and feel my heart flutter.  He is mine now.  Mine forever.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.

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