Chapter 14

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I bite my lip.  So that's it, then.  We're going to have a baby.

"Well," I say.  Tobias must sense something is wrong, but after a moment of thinking, it sinks in.  "We're having a baby!"

Tears well up in my eyes, and I press my lips to Tobias's.  He pulls away with a laugh, and I'm left puckering in midair.

"Tris," he says, "you're okay with this?  I thought you had a meltdown a few hours ago."

"I know," I say, shaking my head.  "I was afraid, and tired, and I just needed some time to realize how much we need this.  It's a new chapter in our lives, Tobias.  And I'm ready.  I really am."

"That's.. that's amazing," he says with a smile.  "I am, too."


"Hi, this is Christina and Will's place!  Leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.  Or not.  Bye!"

I giggle at Christina's voicemail.  She sounds like a 12-year-old in it, and I find it adorable.

"Hey, Chris," I say.  "Just wanted to call and let you know... I'm pregnant!  Call me back right away!"

I hang up and scream to myself, stamping my feet quickly.  I'm going to have a baby!  Tobias's baby!  This is perfect...

Tobias walks in from the living room, his face gray.  "I just told my dad that my fiancee is pregnant."

"Marcus?" I ask.  "How did he take it?"


"Oh, Tobias, come here," I say, embracing him.  He doesn't hug me back, he just stands there.

"What?" I ask.

"He wants to meet you," he replies bluntly.

Marcus Eaton wants to meet me.

I gulp.

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