Chapter 13

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Tobias leaves at 6 in the morning and comes back at 7.

"What took you so long?" I ask, standing in a long-sleeve black shirt with black shorts.

"People stopped me.  Peter asked if I'd 'finally knocked the Stiff up,' and I had to make some lame excuse."

"What was your lame excuse?" I question.

"That I wasn't sure."

"Oh, great," I moan.  "Everyone knows we might be pregnant?"

"So what?" he asks.  "We're a couple.  It's not like having sex is a crime."

"Yeah, but we're not supposed to have unprotected sex unless we're sure," I throw back at him.

"You said you were sure!" he replies, throwing me the test.  "Just go pee on this, or whatever."  I open the box, take the test, and stomp into the bathroom.

"This is all your fault!" I yell from the other side of the door.

"How?" he asks.  Not in a mean way.  Just genuinely curious.

"You... you wanted to see if I was afraid of doing it with you."

"Tris... we can discuss this after you find out if you're pregnant or not."


After I'm positive that the result will be in, I bite my lip, not looking at the test quite yet.

"Well?" Tobias asks gently, coming up behind me.  I'm standing in our bedroom, holding the test but not looking.  Not looking.  Just look.  Why can't I look?

Tobias pulls the test from my hand.

And he's silent.

And I'm waiting.

Silence isn't good.

Silece means something is wrong.

"Tris... we're gonna have a baby."

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