Chapter 17

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Tobias and I jump off of the train into the Abnegation sector, only a block away from the hospital.

"How are you going to get here every month when you can't jump off a train?" Tobias asks.

"They're Abnegation, they can come to us," I say, shrugging.  I'm giddy with excitement.

We both break into a jog until we get into the front doors, then walk in quickly.  Despite all the stares-- us being the only Dauntless in there-- the lady at the counter seems unphased.

"I'll talk to her," Tobias says.  "You just go sit down."

"Okay," I mutter, walking to the nearest chair.  I slump down in it and sigh.  This is insane.  I like it.

Tobias talks to the woman for about a minute, then she smiles and nods, and he sits down next to me.

"Well?" I ask.

"They'll call us in ten minutes."


The doctor calls me in and gives me a very expensive-looking test.  I do what I did with the others, sure she just needs to see for herself, and wait.  It's when I know I've waited too long that I start to get anxious.

The doctor comes in, frowning.  She holds the test.  "Tris, honey, I'm afraid we have some bad news," the doctor says.  I look up from my seat in her little office.

"What?" I ask.  "Oh, God, what happened to the baby?"

"There is no baby."

I pause, looking at Tobias.  His expression is impossible to read.

"But we took two other tests," I say, panic creeping into my voice.

"Tests can read wrong," the doctor says softly, patting my shoulder.  The one that has the Abnegation symbol on it.  Her faction.  She assumes I'm more connected to her because of this tattoo, but I'm not. I never will be.

"No," I say.  "This one is wrong.  It has to be."

"I'm afraid not, Tris," says the woman.  "This is the very best.  Always answers right the first time."

I feel the tears start to well up.

"I'm so sorry, Tris."

"Come on Tobias, let's go," I say, pulling his arm.  He gets up slowly, and we both walk out, then run back to the train.

I wish today never happened.

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