Chapter 5

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It takes a moment for the realization of the moment to sink in.

Peter kissed me.  Peter kissed me.  Peter kissed me.

"Let go of me," I mutter, trying to squirm away from him.  But he knows he's stronger than me.  He knows he can beat me in any fight.

"Not yet, Stiff," he grumbles.  I smell the liquor on his breath, and I gag.  "I haven't even gotten to see your tattoos."

"You can see them on my arms and my collarbone, if you'd let go and let me turn around," I sneer.  I feel his hands travel down to my butt, and I struggle even harder, but it's no use.

"You sure you don't have any secret tattoos?" he asks.  I bite my lower  lip and stomp on his foot.   He lets go of me, screaming, and I run, thanking myself for wearing combat boots today.

I manage to get back the the Pit when I feel him pull me back.  I don't know what to do when all of a sudden I see Christina.

"Chris!" I yell, and she turns right away.  Her eyes widen, and she freezes.  "Get Tobias!"

She runs to get him, but Peter hauls me down a hall and to a room.  I close my eyes and force the tears to stay in them... there's no way I'm letting Peter see me cry.  He's drunk.  The last thing I need is for him to have motivation.

"We're here," he says softly.  I open my eyes, and I see it's his room.

His bedroom.

I lose it, thrashing and screaming for Tobias.  Peter just laughs and throws me onto his bed.  By the time I scremble up he has handcuffs on my wrists.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask bitterly, still keeping the tears in.

"Like I said," he smiles.  "Looking for tattoos."

I suddenly hear a banging from his front door.  Peter smiles and exits the bedroom through a glass door.  When he returns, he closes the bedroom door quickly behind him, and through the glass I see Tobias.

I try to rush at him, the tears finally spilling over, when Peter grabs me.  The door is locked, and Tobias can't get in, no matter how hard he tries.

"Your boyfriend tried to kill me," he says with a hint of sadistic pleasure in his voice.  "It was either this, or kill him.  I figured you'd appreciate this more.  Oh, wait, you're a little Abnegation girl, aren't you?  Hmm, maybe you'd rather sacrifice a little more..."

He slides his hand up my shirt, graping at my bra.  I gasp but can't do anything when he unhooks it and starts taking off my shirt.

I hear Tobias yelling from the other side of the door, but his voice can't do anything.

I try to kick Peter, but he dodges it.  I would try to hurt him more, but considering that I'm half naked, sure, I'm a little self-concious.

In one swift move, I stand up, elbow him in the face, and rush at the door.  Though my hands are bound, I manage to unlock the door, and Tobias comes rushing in.  He tackles Peter, pushing him onto the bed and punching him until he's out cold.  Usually, I would tell him to stop.  I should tell him to stop.

But I don't.

It's when Peter's face has more blood than flesh on it that I run up and hug Tobias.  He turns around and pulls me onto his lap, kissing each of my bird tattoos like I usually enjoy.

But instead I recoil.

"What's wrong?" he asks.  He knows the answer; he's not stupid.

"Hand me my shirt," I say, raising an eyebrow.  He rolls his eyes and hands it to me, though it's covered in blood.  Peter's blood.

"No," I say suddenly, backing away.  "I don't want to wear his blood."

Tobias sighs and takes off his shirt, giving it to me.  I put it on and collapse into his arms.

"What would he have done?" I ask.  

"Your seventh fear," Tobias teases.  He must see my expression, because his face hardens.  "Look.  I don't think you can go on pretending like you've forgotten about that fear, because you haven't.  You froze up and choked.  We need to get you comfortable protecting yourself under... these circumstances."

"So what are you suggesting?" I ask.

"You need to face your fear of Peter... and intimacy."

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