Chapter 6

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"I'm not having sex with you," I say flatly as Tobias and.I walk through the crowds of people in the Pit to out house.  I notice the stare that Tobias gets from the girls, but I pretend not to.  Even though hes shirtless, they don't have to look far to see who's wearing his shirt.

He casts a sideways glance at me, cocking an eyebrow.  I roll my eyes.

"Okay, I am.  But not because I need to train myself on how to be comfortable with it.  Besides, I'm not afraid of sleeping with you."

"Then it should be no problem," he says.  We reach our front door, and he quickly unlocks it and walks inside, locking it the moment we're in our bedroom.

"Look," I say, "you and I can wait until... until the moment's right."

He rubs his left temple.  "Look, Tris," he says with a groan.  "I'm not eager to get into bed with you.  I'm not.  But I just need to help you practice defending yourself when someone tries to... do what Peter did."

"I know," I say in the same tone.  "But how do I train?  Fight you while I'm naked?"

Tobias smiles a little, but his expression becomes more serious when I glare at him.  "Just joking," he says, raising his hands.  And I know he is, because he's never, ever tried to take advantage of me.

"Just put me back in my fear landscape or something," I mutter, then immediately regret it.  Because the one thing my boyfriend will do is force me to do just that.

"Come on," he says briskly, putting on a shirt that's lying on the bed.  "We're going through your fear landscape."

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