Chapter 4

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"Tobias!" I scream. Peter looks over, clawing at Tobias's hand.

"Let me go!" he chokes out. "I didn't do anything to your girlfriend!"

Tobias stands firm, his feet planted on the ground. Holding a man's life in one hand. I feel my chest squeeze. Tobias knows how much I hate Peter, but he needs to stop. Now.

"Stop it!" I scream, throwing myself towards them. Someone, possibly someone who doesn't know what I intend to do, grabs me, and I stumble. Out if instinct, however, I lunge forward and grab Tobias. Bad idea. His grip falters, and for one terrifying moment, Peter is falling, falling, falling... and I can't grab him.

Then Tobias reaches out, grabs Peter at the last second, and tosses him back onto solid ground.

"What the hell was that?" Peter and I say at the same time. But I am crying, and Peter is steaming, so it sounds like two different phrases.


"Don't 'Tris' me," I warn.

"He was trying to kiss you--"

"He was drunk!"

"That's no excuse."

I pause. When Tobias got drunk one time, he hit me, and we had a very similar argument. He doesn't drink anymore.

"Look, Tris, I'm sorry..."

"Can I just leave?" I ask, very aware of the audience around us.

Tobias just watches me leave. It isn't until I'm very far away that I feel two strong hands grab my shoulders.

"Go away, Tobias," I mutter. He should know better than to upset me with violence. He needs to stop getting hurt, and hurting others.

"I mean it," I say as the arms squeeze tighter. They move to my waist, and I sigh involuntarily as he kisses my neck.

Then I freeze when he speaks.

"Come on, Stiff."



A/N: sorry it's so short! I'm having writer's block and I don't know how to lead up to the next part of my story.

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