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5 Years Later


I hold Elphina in my arms, smiling down at her.  Her beautiful blue eyes sparkle as I set her down.  "Now, remember what I said," I say softly to her.  "Aunt Christina and Uncle Will are going to look after you for a few hours, but if you need anything, just tell them."  Elphina nods, then stumbles off clumsily to Christina's open arms.

Tobias comes up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder.  "She's four," he whispers in disbelief.  I nod.

"I feel like just yesterday we were trying to figure out our lives, and now look.  She's perfect."

Tobias turns me so that I am looking into his eyes.  "I love you," he says softly.  I can't even say it back, because I know I'll be overcome with emotions.  So I just press my body into his and hug him so tightly that I never think I'll be able to let him go.  He eventually pries me away, though.

"Let's go train some initiates," he says to me with a half smile.  I smile back and look at our daughter, then look at my bulging stomach.  It's going to be a little boy this time.  He's due in three months.

"Goodbye!" Christina calls.  I wave and begin to walk out her front door when she calls me back.  "Wait Tris!"

"What is it?" I ask, glancing at the digital clock on the end table near her couch.  We have four minutes until initiates will jump off the roof and into the net, and I heard there were quite a few Abnegation this year.

"Be careful," she says, glancing at my stomach.  Then she smiles at me, Elphina in her arms.

"Don't worry," I say back quietly.  "I know how much I have to live for."  Not looking back, I turn and jog to catch up to Tobias.

"You okay?" he asks.  I look up at him for a second, not responding until we reach the net.  Only then do I nod.

"Yes," I say.  "I actually am."

And we hold hands and watch the first jumper land.  Uriah smiles his cheesy smile and asks for her name.  She's wearing Abnegation colors and has piercing blue eyes.  Her blonde hair is in her face, but when she pushes it away, I can see her features clearly.

"She reminds me of you," Tobias whispers.  "You know, when you were a little more Stiff."  I laugh and nudge him.

"Kat.  My name is Kat," she says after a bit of hesitation, and I nearly gasp.  Katherine-- she was so young when I left Abnegation, but I still remember her.  I guess some things never leave you.

"First jumper-- Kat!" Uriah calls, and we all cheer.  She smiles a little and Uriah begins telling her the rundown.

I almost laugh.  This is crazy.  Seven years ago, when I was taking the same leap that Kat took, I was afraid and uncertain.  I didn't know where I belonged.  Now I do.

"You're gonna fit in here very well," Tobias says to her as she passes, and she smiles shyly.

I couldn't have said it better myself.


A/N: Well, I guess this day did have to come.  I tried to prolong it as long as I could, and I've tried writing more chapters to sneak in here or there, but I can't.  This has been such an amazing experience, and I gained so much from everyone that read and supported me.  You all helped me grow as a writer, and I'm so grateful.  I really hope to write more in the future, so long as you suggest some topics for me to write about!  Again, thank you all.

For the last time in this story,

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