10: what happend?

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I return to the room i was in before. Why was i here? I was confused. I move myself slowly up .
"James?" I asked.
"Yes?" He answered.
"Why am i here there must be a real reason" i said.
"Yes there is a real reason" he nods. "You where hit by a car"
"By a car what but how? Why?" I gasped.
"You were angry with me and also shouting and raging you then i heard you scream and everyone came out ellie did alfie, mum even dad" he explains.
"Really even dad?" I cried.
"Nicole!" Dad said and hugged. "Ellie told me you alright now sweet heart?"
"I am fine just i am trying to piece together what happend" i said.
"I am glad your awake because who ever hurt you aren't going to get away with it" dad smiles.
"Yes well dad i need to talk to you about something" james said.
"Ok we would be long i will be back" dad said.
"What are they doing?" I asked "i thought james hated dad."
"Well you see darling they are trying to get along for your sake and one thing they agree on is how the person who hurt you will be sent down" mum said. "For good"
I really hoped so but how come i couldn't remember? I really wanted to find out who hurt me. I lay down for a bit while mum amd ellie left.
Just then i remembered a little bit
I was walking fast to get way from the car. I was in a mood with james also. The car followed me and hit me before i could go any where.
But the question really is who hurt me?

Later that day mum was coming in to see me and smiled.
"Well i know that you needed some friends so what's better than to bring goldie and sienna" mum smiled. "I will leave you all to it"
"Hey guys long time no see" i said.
"Oh my god babes you look terrible" goldie said.
"Goldie" sienna sighed. "I have been here to by the way too many time"
"Really wow this is my first time so come on instead of talking about hospitals maybe?" I asked.
"Yeah er warren and sienna are back together" goldie shrugged.
"Only because i am pregnant" sienna points out.
"Your pregnant?" I gasped.
"Yeah i don't know if i can take it not after nico" she sighed.
"Look you will be ok i promise i will be by your side once i get out of her" i smiled.
"Yeah you have all us mcqueens you might have had a bad past but so have we" goldie nods.
"So did i and you know what i never look back on my past because it's hard to see my old self" i tell her.
"So what do i do?" She asks.
"Think about now babes your like a mcqueen" goldie grins.
"Really?" She gasps.
"Right girls visiting time is over" mum said.
"Aw thats so sad we will keep you updated babes" goldie said.
"Yeah see you later" sienna smiled. Me and the mcqueen's are the people who see sienna for the nice girl she is.
"Darling you it isn't actually over i wanted to be with you the last 10 minutes.
"Of course you do" i smiled. "Any way i will be out of here soon so i should hopefully be ok maybe?"
"Yes you will be ok by monday you were a little hurt on your leg but mostly your arm and your head but yeah you will be fine to come home to james" mum nods. Just what i wanted to hear i was happy to hear that i will be going home soon i couldn't stand being at the hospital being stuck in a bed all day. My phone was beside me as i looked at it and smiled at the lock screen with all of us nightingales together i couldn't to be part of it again. (Short chapter i know but next chapter should be interesting i was going to put the idea of who knocked over til later like how hollyoaks drag idea's over but i am going to do the same only some one is framed for it but who?)

Nicole NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now