13: demi dilema

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I went to see demi later that day to ask her how things went with her and warren.
"Hi" i said. "How was last night?"
"Good but you left with out me" she cried.
"You and warren need alone time turst me" i smile come tell me how it went.
"Well i never meant to hurt sienna but me and warren we kind of kissed a little bit and went bad to his to watch a movie then went to bed" she said.
"Nice not a bad start he will love i know he is interested in you i can see that" i smiled.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yeah of course i am your friend right?" I asked.
"Yes of course you are" she says.
"I have to go to the salon any way but see you later" i said.
"Yeah ok" demi said. "See you later".

I get home later that day to find james grinning.
"What you smiling at?" I asked.
"Nothing everything is fine" he said.
"Ok" i said.
My phone starts to ring as i looked
It was demi.
"Hey dems is everything alright?" I asked.
"Well look nicole i got this text before is there something your not telling me?" She says.
"No everything is fine why what did the text say?" I asked.
"It said'there is something nicole is not telling you'" she said.
"So you believed it!" I growled.
"Well i wanted to hear from you about it first but i guess there lying then" she shrugs.
"I am glad you called me straight away" i smile.
"I will alway do that you my friend any way who ever said that must have been in it for me really bad" she said.
"Yeah must be" i said.

A few weeks later more texts kept coming to her about it. All they said was 'she is a liar' and it gets repeted over and over again.
"Who really doesn't like you?" Demi asks.
"I don't know" i said. I was suprised who would want to ruin my plans so badly?
I had to go so i left for work after saying good bye to demi again as head off i can't have any one knowing what i am doing. I needed them to stop telling her. But how would i know what to do when i might not have any clue who they are.
"So babes how's it going then?" Goldie smiled.
"Oh great well not really demi is doing a really bad thing" i sighed
"Really what type of bad thing"
"She is trying to be with warren" i sighed.
"Warren what oh my god but that's sienna's boyfriend" goldie gasped.
"Oh yeah well demi is about to take over" i said.
"Well maybe i should go and speak to her tell her to back off" goldie said.
"Oh leave that to me i will sort that now just please don't tell any one" i said.
"I promise i won't oh my god this is bad though i mean sienna is preggerz too!" She gasped.
"Well no warren isn't really with sienna properly any way" i shrugged.
I got my phone back and from twenty minutes ago. Demi text me 8 times.
Hi i need to call you and now xx

Its bout w xx

I need you to call now plz x

I know your not allowed you phone but please call me i need you to x

Plz nic its warren he is going to james' house again x

You had one missed call from 'Demi'

Nic??????? Xx

Answer plz warren he is going to james' house tomorrow morning he wants to speak to him about sienna x

So i called demi and she picked up after 2 rings.
"Hello what's going on you ok demi?" I asked. "I seen your text why does he need to speak to james about sienna?"
"Well he wants to have his kid to be just with him he is faking a relationship with sienna" she said. "What do i do?"
"Look you want to be with him after what he is doing now?" I sighed.
"I...can't help it i like him so much i know it will hurt my cuz but i like him very much"
"I don't understand why you saying you dont know what to do?" I asked.
"Oh that doesn't matter" demi said.
"Demi tell me" i demand.
"Ok he wants me to help him get the baby to be his and he is going to try and get james to help him and he wants me to help raise the child with him" she said. "And wants me to be against sienna"
(What a way to end the chapter i might update more late school is getting in the way a lot sorry for the late update but a new character is coming and it's one you might want to like)

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