2: brother and sister time

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"Nic?" He gasps.
"James i..." he stopped me.
"No i'm sorry i shouldn't have reacted like that" he hesitates.
"Oh james it's ok i am so happy your here!" I smile.
"How about we go back to my flat" he smiles. "I will call john paul see if he can come home we need to celebrate"
"Exactly whay i was looking forward to" i smiled. "And john paul?"
"You well soon see" he laughs.

He opens a bottle of champane.
"Make your self at home" he says. "You can have the spare room"
"James your are amazing thank you" i smiled.
"Oh no need i really wonder where john paul got to" james sighed and just as he takes a seat and places down the 3 glasses with champane in the door clicks and opens.
"Hey james i came back early you said it was an emergency" he said and came over to james as he kissed him after hanging his coat up and putting his bag down to join us.
"Yes well it is an emegency in some way john paul" james smiles. "We are celebrating"
"Really what for?" He asks.
"Suprise!!" I cheered.
"Oh my... really james you need to stop inviting people over." He sighs.
"Oh no worries i'm staying" i laughed. "Nicole Nightgale James' sister".
"Oh hi i'm john paul if james hadn't told you i am his boy friend." He said.
"Oh my god this is so cute james why didn't you tell me!" I gasped.
"I was saving it" he said. "As a special suprise any way cheers to our little family"
"To our little family" me and john paul echoed clicking glasses with james.
"I am so glad your here i couldn't wish for a better day" james tells me.
"Me too i will drink to that" i grinned.
Looks like things got so much better for me.

The next day i dicided to see the other part of my family at the dog while james and john paul where both working.
"Hello?" I called walking into the pub and i didn't see any one around.
"Hello there" a boy said. It looked like nathan.
"Nathan oh my god good to see you" i smiled.
"Nic hey good to see you, i will get ellie and dad's busy so maybe not him" he said.
"Perfect" i smiled.
"Ellie!" Nathan shouts.
"Coming honestly nathan i am so busy with this load...OH MY GOD! Nic!" She cried.
"Yep hi ellie" i smiled.
"Good to see you big sis" they both say.
Yes i was the second child after james. The both unwanted ones.
"I better go and find mum she eill be here some where" i said.
"Try nightingales" ellie said. "She is always there"
"Ok i will see you later" i smiled.
"Wait nic?" Nathan calls.
"Yeah" i said
"I need to speak with you later" he tells me.
"Meet me at the back of the dog we will talk there" i smiled.
"Thanks sis i knew i could count on you maybe we could get alfie to come round later?" Ellie suggest.
"Yeah maybe" i smiled. "See you both later"
"Bye nic" they said and i left.

I went round to nightingales and seen it. I ran to toward the windows. There was mum working in her own restraunt.
"Any one order another nightingale?" I smiled.
"Nicole darling" mum smiled.
"Mother lovely to see you" i smiled.
"Haven't lost your beautiful accent" mum smiles.
"Of course not mother your not likely to thing i would ditch it" i smiled.
I was posh just like mum and james the accent was strong and it would stay like that.
"Any way so glad your here have you seen the others yet?" Mother asks.
"Yes i have it was great to see them they were very pleased."
"Even james"
"Celebratory drink with him and john paul last night so it was great"
"I'm glad you there for james nicole now i will pop by later to james' if you not already busy"
"Well i will try not to" i smiled. "I need to find some sort of work"
"Try the salon done the road"mum said and kisses both of my cheeks. "Now go get that job"

I walk into the salon and there was this smiley women with red hair.
"Hi you looking for someone?" He asks.
"Well the owner of here actually.
"It's 3 owners donivan boys" she said. "Jess ,liam ,adam?"
"Oh what no goldie!" Adam sighed.
"This girly wants a job here" goldie grins.
"Well you know think we are fine as we are thank you" he said.
"Ok" i said and just as i was about to walk out when...
"Any problem here?" James said.
"It's ok she was just leaving" adam said.
"Well i was going to get a job here i guess but maybe not" i said and get to the door.
"Hang on you turned down my sister?" He asked.
"Oh .... she's you sister is she ?" Adam said.
"Yes well maybe you need to think carefully about who you talk to" james said harshly.
"Ok a free trial but i am not promising you any thing" he sighed.
"Yesss thank you i won't let you down" i smiled and came with james.
"I knew it was a good idea for me to come then" he says.
"Yeah well why is everyone so scared of you?" I asked.
"Everyone scared?" He laughs. "My job is a lawyer i could just go down the station to report any thing so call it i am just doing my job"
"Ok james just doing my job nightingale" i laughed.
"Come on let's get back to the flat we have some fun things to do" he smiles.
"More celebrating then?" I said.
"Great idea" he nods.

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