47: good bye sami, hello james

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And this is where the best thing happens, we all hang around waiting for him.
"Is he taking the mick?" Ste sighed.
"And your the one to rush people" i rolled my eyes. "Now shut up we have important things to worry about".
"What like your high class brother? If it was up to me he would stay locked up" he sighed.
"For doing nothing, what a hippocrite the two of you know what it's like to be in jail so deal with it i want my brother back to me as soon as" i tell him.
And here arrives him kyle.
"Got ya" ste said grabbing a hold.
"No where to run" i hissed now we are taking down sami malik for good".

Walking over to the party with the biggest smile on my face i couldn't be more happier, i walked towards my family while sami looked so smug.
"Hey sami, ellie mum" i said.
"And what do you want?" Sami sighed.
"Hmm to do the right thing, but not with you coz we all know you are heartless any way so that's a big shame" i shrugged. "So sami i suspect you have everyone fooled, so ellie mum get your sorry speech ready".
"Oh yeah what for" mum rolled her eyes.
"Kyle is alive" i said and before they could defend sami here arrived ste and harry with kyle.
All there faces drop in shock.
"I just came back from a short trip i would never expect to be annouced as dead" he shrugged.
"Now do you believe me?" i asked.
"Sami" ellie said turning to him. "Tell me she isn't right, tell me that you didn't actually frame james"
He says nothing as i laughed.
"Ellie give up!" I laughed. "You don't need to worry about him coz he is off in a cell where he belongs".
"Sami malik i am arresting you on false alligations of a murder" DS cassidy says.
"Good bye" i smiled and waved, it was fun to ruin someone elses life for a change. "Now where were we?"
"I think you should go" mum mutters and i went off to meet james at the hospital as i needed to see him. He was now free!

"Hello my brother" i smiled.
"Nicole" he said with a smile too. "What's put you in a good mood?"
"Let's just say i got you out of jail without killing sami" i sighed.
"I am glad you didn't it would lead straight back to you" he said.
"I know well as much fun as it would be i still want to kill him." I shrugged.
"You wouldn't dare" he warned.
"Of course not i do have a reputation now as you know" i smiled.
"What as liar?" He jokes.
"Oh don't" i muttered. "That brings back bad memories.."
"I suppose it does but still you have come a long way" he tells me. "So any way... what do you want to do, when i get out of here?"
"Hmm, i think we need a day trip in town" i smiled. "Maybe go out and have a nice dinner in town it would be perfect"
"Exactly" he smiles. "Good thinking"
"Well you know me" he shrugs then mum rushes in.
"There letting you out today darling" mum cries and he gets up out of bed.
"Well i am all set to go anyway, you nic?" He asks.
"Yeah of course" i smiled and we all leave with james as we both help him out of the hospital.
Just as we go past i reconised the boy, james' son. James bumps into him splashing the boys coffee all over him.
"Hey watch..." he paused has he worked it out? But then he put a few pound in the cup. "Here buy yourself a hot meal".
I looked at james in confusion.
"Ok.. james you do know he is a young adult and does have money" i sighed. He thought his son was a begger? I was suprised how he reacted like that but confused about how he doesn't reconise him.
I kept my mouth shut only for mum's sake and i was annoyed how this is the one secret i have to keep secret.
"So tomorrow afternoon" james begins. "We go into town there?"
"Why would i say no" i laughed.
"Probably if you have something else going on?" He questions. I actually forgot about sylver.
"No i don't think so" i shrugged. "Not that i think he contacted me any more, there was no vibrations from my pocket which was weird, i felt for my phone. Where is it?
"Ooh so nicole who is sylver?" James asks. "So what happend to you now, something your not telling me?"
"James give me my phone" i sighed.
"Fine well ok as long as you tell me who he is and what's going on" he says.
"Ok well, i guess we are a thing, not official yet but we are a thing and i have known him for a while he is new to the village anddd he is goldie's brother" i said.
"And does she know?" He asks. "No but it's ok.

A few weeks or so later everything is ok again until i bump into cindy.
"Hey cindy" i smiled then turned it to worry as her face looks worried.
"Is everything ok?"
"It's alfie" she sighs. "I feel like the voices have come back to him".
"I will go and see him" i said. "Don't you worry" i smiled.
"Ok well if your sure" she says.
I walked to the dog as i seen mum and yazmine walk out of the pub.
"Mum?" I questioned.
"Not now nicole" she says.
"Mum what is going on?" I asked. "Is it alfie?"
"He has gone to manchester to see mac" yazmine says.
"Ok let's go i will drive you both" i nodded and we went to the dog carpark and got in my car.

We arrived and saw alfie standing.
"Aww poor boy he actually think mac is talking to him" mum mutters. Me yas and mum standing watched as alfie speaks. I agree poor alfie, he was the only one ok with dad.
"Shh he is talking about me" yaz hissed.
"Get out of my way that boy needs our help" mum says and we walked in."Oh alfie darling you do know your dad hasn't maraculously re..."
"Oh i don't know, seems like a mircle to me" he said and smiled to us all. Mum and i look in shock at dad. Dad is ok...

A/N:And this is where i am glad i caught up :) woo ok so a lot of drama to come i can't wait for tonights oaks. also i forgot to add thank you all for 4.19k it's amazing how many of you take the time to read this but also how some of you are voting too, wheather you started reading this from the beginning or still reading and is voting on recent chapters i am very grateful tho ♡

Nicole NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now