32: james' secret

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"Yes" i answered. "I didn't want to upset you after all you have been through a lot this year".
"You should still tell me straight way any way" james sighed.
"I know i am sorry" i sighed.
"Now come on let's not let that ruin our day yeah?"
"No it won't" i smile just as his phone rang..
"Hello this is james yes" he said. "You want me to come to the station but i don't get it what for?"
"James who is it?" i asked.
"Work" he replied shortly.
"Just go we can do this some other time if you want?" He said.
"Ok thank you i will catch up with you later" he said. As he went out i saw something drop out of his pocket. Is that another phone?
"James?" I called but he was go as i managed to reach the phone.
I took it and i know snooping is bad but i have to know. What is on that phone. Is that someone elses? I went to look at the phone and it had 3 missed calls and two voice mails. I had to listen.
"James we need to talk i need you help with something now please will you help me?" The voice said. Why does it sound familiar.
A few weeks ago...
A kind man came by to my room.
"Hello you ok?" He asked.
"Well not the best first of all i have been shot by a guy who is now on the run and now well i am here aren't i stuck in this hospital bed trying to get better." I blurted.
"Your not the only one who has to stay at the hospital sometimes" he said.
"What's happend to you?" I asked. "I have ms so i have to go to support groups and i am trying so hard to make money to go to get treatment" he sighed.
"Wow i would think a man like you would cope" i tell him.
"On the inside i feel like that but on the outside i don't show feelings" he said. "Any way hope you get better soon i am kyle if you wanted to know".
"Thanks i did actually" i grinned. "I am nicole".
Kyle! That was his name! I had to show kim the the voice mail and so i rang her of the spare phone as my phone has died.
"Hello who is this?" Kim said.
"Hey kim it's me" i said. "Nicole" this is where she isn't going to be happy.
"Nicole where have you been who's phone is this?" She asked.
"It's james' spare phone why what's up?" I asked.
"I am worried about you nic i need to you to be at home i don't want you around any one" she said. "Any way i heard you were discharged and i tried calling your phone all morning but guess what no answer where is your phone"
"It's safe in my pocket calm down it has ran out of charge any i am heading home now ok?" I said.
"Ok that's ok" she sighed.
"Any way i have something for you to listen to on this phone" i tell her.
"Ok" she said.

"I think james is helping someone" i blurt.
"Like who?" She asked.
"Kyle i don't i mean i only met him once" i shrugged.
"Yeah but he has ms why would he be involed in any thing?"
"I don't know listen to it as well now" i said. I take the phone out and got voice mail up. We played it.
"See it won't be for a bad thing now lets just leave this here then we can give this to his tomorrow" kim said.
"Look there is another one" i gasped. I grabbed the phone and played the next one.
"Hey james it's me again, call me back please me and my cousin... we are in a lot of trouble" the voice mail said.
"Should we call him back?" I asked.
"Not unless you know how to act like james nightingale." She sighed.
"Try me" i laughed and dialed the number.
"Hey thanks for ringing me i thought you where ignoring me" he spoke.
"Yes well i can't avoid a client call no longer" i said. "What do you need?"
"Can you meet us at alley way near price slice" he said. "7.30 to be exact?"
"Yes i will be there" i nod.
(What is going to happen all will be reavaled in the next chapter...)

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