39: the heartbroken

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Grace P.O.V
I walked on my way to the boys salon, but noticed something weird. Farrah, i think it was going into the shop normal but, not what i seen i see her and kim getting close and talking to each other. Is this a joke? I thought she was supposed to be with nicole nightingale? I dicided to keep a watch on her for nicole. I know what she is like, she is crazy and she could be up to anything. I run through the front flat door to kims flat and go inside. I need to investigate. Looking for her phone i notice an odd one. A new phone? I look through it, messages saying i love you to farrah and how soon it will be just them two. This is a dangerous game to play. The door clicked and i ran in to the bathroom.
"Oh farrah, i will sort it i know i will give me a few days" she smiles.
"As long as you swear to me no more pushing it back"
"I promises" she says and i heard kissing sounds as they went in the bed room. I kept kims phone and through the crack of the door took pictures of them kissing. I ran to out the flat dumping the key on the counter. Kim butterfeild your done for.

Kim P.O.V
We were about to get on the bed until we heard heels, and the front door close.
"Someone heard us" farrah gasped.
"That means someone will know, they will tell nicole!" She says.
"You need to go quick it's either them or you" farrah said and i nodded running as out, i straighten up my clothes shook my hair loose and went to the hospital. But i feel i mighr run out of time.

Nicole P.O.V
It was lovely to be awake again to see my family, kim i knew i kept away from kim and i know it wasn't really any choice but it was good to see her as she had visited me. A lot recently. I had in and out visits of people even dad who i did think he cared much about me. But any way i was really happy how i was alive, people cared and it was safe to say thins are fine. Well this was until i found out this.
"Nicole you can't trust kim." Grace says.
"What do you mean what's going on?" I asked.
"She's been having an affair with farrah" she says. My face dropped. All i though was how could she do that right under my nose.
"Do you have any photos?" I tell her. She takes out this weird phone.
"This is the phone she used to contact her and here is the pictures first." She says showing her and farrah kissing.
"Oh my god!" I gasped. "I knew this was coming... i stayed at james' for a few days now i know what's going on."
"You want to see the texts?" She questions.
"Yes" i nodded.
Scrolling through i come across the last texts.
I am going to choose you farrah and i know the risks.
"She choose her, it was a choice between me and her, so to be married and she chose farrah" i said and a tear slid down my cheek, grace gets a hold of me and gives me a hug.
"I maybe a bad girl but i am not afriad to give hug" she smiles. "Just sorry you found out like this, she wouldn't have told you for a while".
"I know , that's that i am worried about" i nodded. "Thanks grace, apart from my family, joel, lorie and ellie you, it's the only people i can trust now".
"Wow, thanks" she smiles. "Well i am off but i will see you soon"
"See you" i replied.
Rushing into the room, kim came in.
"Hey babe,what was grace doing here?" She asks.
"Doing the latest gossip before it gets out, you and farrah" i smiled. "So come on kim what do you need to say"
"I..i" she stutters.
"Wait no, your other phone can explain." I snapped.
"I love you farrah"
"Love you too kim"
"Farrah i choose you"
"I can't read any more, so kim what's special about farrah tell me because usually it's always you crying and worrying but now it's i have someone else"
"I am sorry, really sorry you had to find out this way, i was going to tell you until you were better." She cries.
"Until i was better? How long will that be knowning i am engaged to someone i loved so much and ends up throwing me away!" I shouted.
"Do you know how it feels? I get it you would hurt both of us with you in the middle, well you choose your new girl over you feonce, wow kim just wow"
"Shut up" she says."you are going to listen to me, you are going to keep quiet about me and farrah".
"Oh make me".
"Yeah i will make you, and if you do it costs you being here longer than you should"
"Your mad honestly mad, threating me? Just go home to farrah"
"I will, and you remember what i said"
"I will remember too well." I smiled. The doors close. I took away the smile, and the big i don't care front away and changed it to a cry. I didn't notice anyone come in but it was alfie.
"Hey nicole, it's ok don't cry" he says rushing over to hug me.
"No it's not all i have left is all of you and kim she had an affair"
"Oh nicole!" He says. "I am so sorry, you tried so hard".
"I was so close to being happy, was nearly married, but i am not, i am just some 26 year old all on her own still" i sighed.
"You will have someone till then kim is an idiot to ditch you! Your beautiful, funny, kind and a great sister anyone can ask for" he smiles. "And when we get you out we will have a big party with lots of fun stuff, and kim will never be see by us again".
"Yes, this sounds amazing i can't wait" i laughed. "It will be great to remember nathan like this".
"It will be, and you can find someone new" he smiles.
"Yes i should be able to" i nodded.
I can't wait to get out of here!

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