14: making enemies

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So this chapter goes out to my friend ellie roryspeedfan big love to her and also i will be make her story very soon so keep a look out but til then enjoy her in nicole's story i am sure nicole is not going to like making enimies
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I look at demi. Would she really do this? Would she really hurt her own cousin?
"Demi" i said slowly.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Your not going to do this are you?" I asked.
"Don't be daft of course not" she laughs but there is an edge to it.
"Demi?" I asked "you sure?"
"Yes of course i am" she snaps.
"Hi there this girl isnt being nasty is she?" A girl asked.
"Well look who's talking" i snapped.
"Ok well any way don't make friends with the wrong sort" the girl grins. "I'm ellie by the way"
Of course it could have been but then again should have been around the village to know my plan... i was going to be really unhappy with her.
"Nice to meet you ellie" demi grins.
I ignore her. She disliked me just as i walked into the room typical.
"Aw what i nice girl though" she smiles.
"Nice you joking" i scoffed. "Look there she goes struting off."
"Your just jelous" demi said just as we seen her walk into joel.
"Oh sorry i didn't see you there" he says to her.
"Aw well er...thanks i guess i mean... hang on i know you" she says.
"Yeah everyone one knows him love" i said.
"I really must be going" he mutters.
"Oh ok well maybe a catch up later then?" She calls.
"Yeah sure see you later" he nods.
"So you know the new girl do you?" I asked.
"Just an old friend you know" he shrugs.
"Ok what ever you say joel dexter but i can tell your hidding something" i grinned.
"Well i don't think you can" he grinned back. Maybe i like joel but is that a bad thing?

I see ellie in the village heading to the dark alley. I followed her what was she doing.
"Joel hey look about that before i..." she stopped.
"No don't think about it look i know we aren't together any more but the secret please you can't tell any one i am not a bad person" he said.
"I know that was the past joel i am here still aren't of course i won't tell any one come on" she smiles. "You know me i am like your friend" she said i looked over the corner they were so close i was about to scream. I stopped looking why was it quiet? I looked again. He kissed her. Joel still loves her i need to put as stop to this!
I walk straight do the alley and pretend i didn't notice ellie and walked straight into her.
"Oh my god ellie i am so sorry" i gasped.
"At least i know one thing" she snaps. "I was right about you"
"I said i was sorry maybe you should keep out of my way from now on" i said bitterly.
"Or maybe you should keep out of my way" she mutters and i walk of. If she wants to place it like that then she can play it like that.

I get home later and see james and he is once again smiling at me.
"What you smiling at?" I snapped.
"Maybe the fact that face looks like you haven't had a good day" he said.
"Don't be stupid i am not in a good mood" i snapped.
"What's happened now" he sighed.
"I like someone" i blurt.
"Right well who is it?" He said.
"Joel dexter but this new girl has it in for me" i tell him.
"Well was he ever with her before?" He asks.
"Looks like it but now there back together and i am going to change that" i smiled.
"Nicole what if he doesn't want you" james points out.
"He will i know he will and he is about to be come mine james it was hard to get john paul with you wasn't it?" I asked.
"I don't want to talk about this" he snapped.
"What is it james you don't like to talk about him no more?" I snapped.
"James open up!" Warren says angrily.
"Yes i am coming" he called.
Warren burst in with demi.
"Warren stop come on we will go home watch a.. movie and stuff like that" demi begs him.
"Yeah just hang on one second remember when i said i wanted the child well i meant it and even if it means paying you me and demi we are going with the deal" warren said and demi slowly nodded.
"Demi you really want to do this" i asked.
"I have to i love warren and he loves me" she said.
"Yes well i agree with your deal" james said. "At least it will keep me busy from a liar of a little sister"
"Thanks now come i think there is something we need to get back" warren grins.
"Oh yeah er.. see you later" demi said.
"Yeah bye" i sighed.
Wait did i hear james right before 'a liar of a little sister' could it be him? Is james responsible for this but if it is him then what would he say about me wanting to be with joel. But why it can't be james no way would he hurt me he is suposed to be my best friend.
"James?" I said walking into his room and shuting the door. "I think we need to talk"
(Oh my godddd this is really good you are going to love this next chapter also what do you think of ellie and joel also warren and demi let me know in the comments but till then part two is coming out as well tonight xx).

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