5: Mcnight engagement

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James was more quiet now especial to all of us but he asked me something.
"Is this ring john pauls size do you think?" He asks.
"Oh my god!" I stopped and dropped doing the washing up.
"What's up?" He frowns.
"It is not bad it is a good thing you want to marry john paul!!" I squealed.
"I think i might have gone deaf now" james complained.
"Don't play daft" i laugh that ring looks perfect any way i mean he will have to say yes!" I smiled.
"Of course he will maybe oh i think i might mess up" he sighed.
"Be prepared bro nathan would be happy for you to get a happy ending" i smiled.
"Yes he would have" he nodded.
"Maybe ask him tomorrow you will feel up to it more" i said.
"No i will today i mean i made progress haven't i? Especially to spend the whole day with mathew" james said.
"Ok and yeah i guess he will be proud of you james your a better man" i smiled.
"Cheeky aren't you" he jokes and laughs. "Only joking nic"

"I am so nevrous" he whispers as i caught john paul coming.
"Good luck j you will be ok" I smiled.
"Thank you i might need it" he sighed and i go out into the village.
"Hiya er would you like to come to a part tonight?" A man said. "Ste hay by the way"
"Of course i will what you celebrating?" I asked.
"Well a devorce party good huh?" He said.
"Ok good i will come count me in" i smiled.
"Great see you later then" he said and i went to toward the dog.
"Hey ellie is mum up there?" I asked.
"No she has gone to a mental hospital for a few weeks" ellie tells me.
"Why what happend?" I asked.
"Nearly burning the dog down and not only that but she says that dad was the cause of nathans death" ellie explains.
"What did he do?" I asked.
"Cheated on nathan as he walked on the and fell out of the window"
"No way mum would ever lie about this" i said.
"Well she did about a brain tumor!" Ellie sighed.
"Maybe she was need to go to a mental hospital for a bit" i nodded.
"Yes very much." Ellie say.
Come back to the house i have a good suprise
I smiled.
"See you later ellie i have to go" i said.
"Yeah good to see you" she says and i go to the house.

"Hello?" I called out.
"Nicole welcome your just in time" james smiles.
"Really what did i miss?" I asked.
"Well i am now engaged to the best man i know" john paul smiles and kisses james.
"Well it's bet this way now we can be together me, you, nicole and matthew" james says.
"Our family!" I said getting out our glasses and some shampane. "It's celebration time again"
I pour some so in each glass as we all clicked glasses.
"How about we head off to that part?" John paul said.
"Yeah you coming nic?" James asks.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I grined.
"Good let's go!" John paul said as we headed of to the flat were the party was. It had a good half to it as i got introdueced to myra and john paul's family.
"Nice to meet you love" myra smiled.
"You two" i said.
"Hey er i have to go business meeting and it will be over night" james said.
"But we just got engaged to you!" John paul sighed.
"I will be back before you know it" he said as he kisses john paul. "Sorry i love you"
"I love you too" john paul said.
"Hey i will leave you two it i am going with you mum john paul to see goldie" i said.
"Have fun she is really full on" he smiles.
"Oh i will" i laughed.

"Hello goldie" i grined.
"Oh my god nicci good to see you" she says. "I haven't seen you since wednesday!"
"I know i will try to get in more often but you know what it's like to be with family" i smiled.
"Yep ok babes gossip any good things?"
"Yeah my brother is engaged" i smiled.
"Great who to?" She asks.
"John paul" i said.
"Oh my god as in our john paul?" She gasps.
"Yeah" i nod.
"That is great news but what about you?" She says.
"Me?" I laughed. "What about me?"
"Well you know you not with any one?" She asks.
"No why would i want to any way?" I said.
"Yes really no one will ever interest me" i nodded.
"Hey you two" sienna said.
"Hi sienna come and join us" i said.
"I better not i mean i am needing to be up for work tomorrow so maybe i will see you later" she says.
"Sure" i said and our girly night continues.
(Looking forward to the next chapter james' revege plan for jp look forward to that 😊)

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