15: big arguement

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"I don't know what your wanting talking about" he smiles "but your not happy again."
"It was you wasn't" i snaped you told demi didn't you?"
"No of course not" he laughs. "You know that i am not that nasty"
"Oh yeah of course not well james you know that i am your best friend and i thought you could trust me"
"You can well just i am worried about you nicole you can't lie like this no more"
"What? , so it is you then is it?"
"Nicole staying with tabby was suposed to make you better!"
"I am better james, and so much better than before"
"Your not better you worse you've changed nicole"
"Changed have i? So many things have got to my head so many things i wanted james that i can't have!"
"You can have them it's just your ruining them for you"
"You were only making it worse messing with my head!"
"I was trying to stop you but i know you can't hide things forever"
"Oh yes i can and this is only the beginning for me and everyone else"
"What do you mean for everyone else?"
"Oh you know what i am like james"
I had gone crazy i turned around as i felt something hit my head the sound of smashing glass. I looked at the celing and then saw darkness.

James P.O.V
"James is everything ok?" Someone says.
"I am fine i am coming now" i called.
What have i done.
"Hi is everything ok?" Demi said. "I just came from warrens flat a..."
"I don't need to know what you and warren get up to" i sighed. "Come in and quick".
"James?" She asks."What's happend and where is nicole?"
"Ok i will be honest here she is" i said and opened the door with her lying on the floor.
"What did you do to her?" She gasps.
"Smashed the glass over her head becausr she was going to kill me" i said.
"I am calling an ambulance i dont know why she would want to hurt you she loves you loads" demi shrugs.
"There is a lot of things you don't know about her" i asked.
"Hello" demi said into her phone. "Yes i need an ambulance please a girl has hit her head badly we don't know what to do?"
She soon puts the phone down.
"There coming now you stay here i will get warren" she said.
"And warren needs to be every where now does he?" I sighed.
"Yes he does now stay here" she demands and i went to where nicole was.
"I am sorry nicole what was i supposed to do?" I asked. "You shouldn't haven't done that so no more hurting people."
"Hello is any one in?" The nurse calls and i go to the door.
"She's in here and unconious" i said. "I don't know weather she is ok or not".
"I can assure you she will be" she said. "You coming down to the hospital?"
"Not at the moment i am busy but i will come tomorrow" i said.
"Yes of course Mr Nightingale" she nods and left. I couldn't sew her just yet i will see her when she is awake.
I felt funny. I did do the right thing but nicole she is broken still any way i don't think she is better any more she is worse. I had to go and see her later and i wasn't going to let any one know that she was in hospital because the family would worry and wonder who hurt her.

I went to the hospital that next day to see her lying there motionless.
"You know why your here but i done the right thing i mean wete you really going to kill me too i thought you were a changed person." I tell her.
"Maybe your lucky james nightingale to be alive then it's a shame i haven't dicide to tell the police about you" a croaky voice said.
"Well nicole maybe if you don't know but i had to do it would you really want me your favorite brother as the next victum?" I asked.
"I guess not but you told on me and that's why i am upset" she says.
"I wasn't going to tell i was hinting it that you done something and if they knew what you were doing they would trust you at all" i smiled.
"Trust me you of all people i thought i could trust!" She cries "but you won't get way next time none will and soon well very soon joel will find out and not everything will be about them"
"No they won't " i said.
"Yes they will" she grins.
I walked out of the hospital and dicided to not go back. She was dangerous she could do thinks no one else knew but me. She was a killer and that was her secret.
(Oooo guys that has to be a good ending now you know why she said she was bad now in this story the six weeks of summer is going to be exciting i can tell you alot is happening....)

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