38: safe but cheating

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Mac p.o.v
I am at the hospital and all i see is nicole lying there. She had all these tests and i haven't been told anything but i could see her.
"Nicole i am sorry i didn't protect you better" i cried. "And i know you must hate me because i did all of this, putting peoples lives at risk even yours, and i won't be able to forgive myself if i lost you, i have treated you differently but your the best role model to ellie even to alfie."
"Dad" alfie says. "You're here thank goodness".
"Yes son i am here" i nodded.
"Is she ok?" He asked.
"We are waiting for the results." I said.
"Nightgales i am guessing" teigan says.
"Yes" we nodded.
"After a lot of damage from the different things are going on" she explains. "She is in a bit of a coma but that's all part of recovery so she can wake up any time soon but she isn't looking to well, her bones mostly in her legs and upwards has the most damange."
"Ok thank you" we all nodded it shock. I was sorry for what i did. And i never usually cared about nicole as much... not as much as now.
"Well she is lucky to be alive who ever caused this mess isn't going to get away with this for long". James says.
"Who are you sure of it being?" I asked anxiously.
"No idea but lets leave that to the police shall we" he mutters.
"Has no one contacted kim?" Lorie said.
"No" we all said at once.

Kim p.o.v
I get a knock on the door at the front flat door
"Farrah?" I smiled.
"Kim lovely to see you" she smiles and hugs me. "I am very glad to see you come in".
I lead her into the flat. And she looked amazed.
"Wow nice home" she smiles.
"It is i guess" i shrugged. "Farrah..."
"Kim" she said. And we started kissing i did feel it as wrong. It felt good but it was bad. How could i do this to nicole i like farrah... but i like nicole.

After a little while i had to check my phone. I hadn't seen nicole in a while so i got worried.
"Oh my god kim come and have a look at this" farrah said and i watched the tv.
"Breaking news, local chester village hollyoaks has just had the biggest shock expolision!" The news reporter said.
"Oh no the poor people!" Farrah cried.
"We can comfirm yasmin malikk, peri lomax, lily drinkwell, mackenzie nightingale, alfie nightingale, hunter mcqueen, sally St claire, tom cunningham are very much well and alive only one has died and two are injured." The news reporter says. "It's believed that the injured two is Jack Osborne and Nicole Nightingale."
"No... This can't be right... But Nicole she works at the salon!" I cried.
"Well she was a the school, oh Kim what have you done" she sighs. "When she wakes up and finds out your not there, you will have so many question I think you need to come clean once and for all."
"I can't she needs me farrah, she really needs me and right now" I start to cry.
"This is all a mess I am sorry Kim but no matter what it's me or her you can't have both of us" she says. "And right now, it's nicole".
She walks out. I sighed. I love nicole and a love farrah and it will be farrah. I just dread telling her the news.

This text was the hardest desision but i had to end it with her

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This text was the hardest desision but i had to end it with her. I dicided to give her a visit. See what was happening. I walked to the hospital and made it as quick as possible to get there. Outside stood james waiting.
"Hey, james" i said.
"So you finally show up do you?" He says laughing. "Your feonce is lying in hospital for all we know she could be in a coma for weeks!"
Before i could say something a nurse comes out.
"Mr Nightingale, Miss butterfield" she says. "You are needed in Miss nightingales room".
We rushed in and see her. There she was the mask of her face and she is stiring awake.
"Oh nicole!!" James cries.
"James, dad, kim... where am i? What happend i need to get out.. i need to.. escape.
"Shh nicole.. it's ok it's ok" james said eyes welling up with tears. "Is she ok?"
"Just a little shock after awaking, she will be ok" misbah says.
"Thank you" james said.
"Is neeta ok?" She asks.
"Not really, she's dead" mac said.
"Dad!" Ellie cried. "Oh nicole, you ok?"
"I will be, i can't believe it she's dead" she sighed.
"You tried you best i am glad your ok sis we were all so worried but your safe now i promise." Alfie nods as he comes behind ellie giving me a hug. "And as much as we hate mum... we need to let her see you too"
"Darling!" Her Mum cried and gaves me a hug also. "oh my daling no one desevred it not even you!"
She was crying and i let her.
"I am here, i am alive and everything should be ok mum" she smiled.
"I am happy for you" she smiles.
I watched as they gave her lovely smiles and hugs as they were happy to see her awake and alive. So was i. Finding out she died, i wouldn't forgive myself ever. But now was the moment of truth.

Nicole NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now