19: the night begins

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I was shocked when i got home to see a dress already there. A black one. I know i was very much into black but was it a good idea to out in that dress?
"Nicole?" James questions.
"Yes i am coming" i called and i walked out of my room in my dress and high heels as james just looked at me funny.
"You off to a funral?" He asks.
"Well not really is that supposed to be a joke?" I sighed.
"You know i rarely joke" he points out.
"Yeah i forgot about that" i sighed. "And no i am not going on a date as you must know i already told you".
"Oh yes i forgot about that" he sighs.
"It's fine i will be here tonight and we can celebrate when i get home" i suggest.
"If you would like that" he nods. "Then yes"
"I always will silly i have time for my favourite brother all the time" i said. "Any way see you late i am going now".
"Ok see you later" he says and go out of the flat to nightingales which is not much of a far walk.

When i get to nightingales i catch kim wait outside. Was it really kim? Her hair was put in this pretty bun as she was also wearing a pretty lilic dress. I didn't know about the dress but every where looked amazing.
"Hey" i said and she turned around. "You look great".
"I could say the same to you but i don't know about the dresses" she sighed then hugged me.
"Are you ready then?" I smiled.
"Yeah i guess so this is more exciting than i thought" she nods.
"Well this is only the start of the evening" i tell her.
We walk inside as there is a peaceful atmosphere around us. I am guessing this is how a date should be.
"I don't know about you but i think this feels amazing just a whole evening perfect" she says. "Thank you for this".
"No need to thank me it's just i think this date is to show if we feel ready for each other you know" i tell her.
"What would you like to order miss nightingale,miss bloom" tje waiteress ask.
"Oh it's miss butterfield" kim corrects. "But i would like the..."
Just as she stops demi and joel burst in.
"You didn't tell me about this did you my dad of all people you choose to be with!" He snaps.
"I'm really sorry i can't help it joel i love your dad and he loves me" demi cries .
"Whoa what is going on?" I asked.
"Tell your friend what's wrong she is going with my dad".
"Look leave nicole out of this" demi said.
"Ok well i only wanted her to know what you doing and i don't know what's worse knoe you with my dad or what you were doing with my dad." Joel said angrily.
"I don't think we want to know what she got up to thank" kim points out.
"Yeah look can't you both sort this out somewhere better?" I asked.
"No we can't now come on demi you no better than to go off with my dad!"
"I know and maybe you should let me be happy joel"
"I want you to be happy but just not with my dad he has a life now with sienna."
"No he doesn't" demi said and chucked kim's drink over him.
"What did you do that for?" He gasps and takes my drink but i couldn't grab it back.
"Kim look out"i cried pulling her chair back just in time to get the drink to hit me and my dress.
"Oh my god!" Kim cried. "Your dress and you oh come here i will help no thanks to you".
"I am so sorry nicole" joel says.
"It's fine" i sighed. "I will speak to you later but in the mean time you both need to clean this up before my mum sees it."
"Yeah i guess so see you both later?" He says.
"Yeah i will catch you tomorrow" i said.
We leave nightingales and tell mum the date ended up as a desaster.
"So what now then?" Kim asked.
"We will go back to james' flat.
"And your sure that's ok?"
"Yep he's my brother what could go wrong"
"I don't know you tell me"
So we head of to the flat and i knock on the door.
"Hello welcome back" he said. "I have seen you before haven't i?"
"Yes you have" she nods.
"Come in i am sure you have a lot to tell me" he says.
"It looks like it doesn't it" i said showing him the stain.
"What happend?" He asked.
"Joel happend" kim explained. "Well she stopped me from having a drink all over my dress and a lot happend really and i think it will take all night"
"Well yeah i am sure you wouldn't want it to go on much longer any way you making any thing i am actually really hungry" i said.
"Well nothing much i could go out to get fish and chips?" He says.
"Yeah i guess thanks james" i smiled and he left the house. "Sorry the date ended badly" i sighed.
"Why does that matter i mean i had a good time seeing you that is what matters most" kim tells me.
"What things that people say about you are all wrong" i smiled. "Kim butterfield will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes i will" she nods and kisses me. "I want this you want this everthing is going to be perfect me and you i mean i have had bad past relationships but ours won't ever go wrong"
"I know it won't because this is the start of a brand new relationship for the both of us" i nodded.
(Aw i love these two so much i done a longer update. Pretty happy about it also i have some really big storyline for you to look forward to...)

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