23: joel's important question

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Me and kim got a taxi into town which i got very excited about how much closer we got to the town.
"Hopefully your dress doesn't get ruined" kim points out.
"Of course not like i would let that happen" i smiled. I still didn't know abou the dress it looked too short.
"Kim i still don't know about the dress" i sighed.
"Well i do know i choose the right one it makes you look sweet and sexy" she smiles.
"Ok whatever you say" i laughed and we were still in the car until it stops.
"We here?" I questioned.
"Yeah here we are you might as well text ellie" kim says.
"Ok i will now" i nodded.
Hi ellie we are here you and joel on your way xx
I wait for a reply and with in five minutes i get a text back: hiya nic i am here now with joel xx
A black mercedes pulls up.
"No way!" I gasped.
She parked it up and the came out walking toward us.
"Hey you two were both early" she says.
"Well you know what the cabs were like" kim shrugs. "Oh and thanks for bringing nicole to me".
"No problem i mean she only has you to turn too" joel shrugs. "Any way let's get on with the date."
"Yeah i think this is going to be the best date ever!" I smiled. "Thank you so much kim for saying yes to this".
"Any thing for you my pretty girlfriend" she says with a smile.
"Aw you two are sweet" ellie said.
"Says the couple who got through everything" i said. "I mean you two must go years back".
"Well you could say that but i think i would ditch my saintly ways for my beautiful girlfriend" he smiles and kissed her.
"Seriously joel you say any thing else nice i might cry" ellie says.
"Oh well i don't like you to cry on a good night any way" he smiled now come on lets find some where to go" i said.
"Oh how about TGI Fridays?" Kim suggests.
"Well ok i mean i don't think it is a type of restraunt place" ellie says.
"Ok how about the italian restraunt?" Kim asked.
"Yeah ok what is it's name?" Ellie asks.
"That is it's name" i said.
"Oh right" ellie giggled. "How about we sit outside it looks nice out for once?"
"Good idea i am so glad it is summer" i smiled.
"Me too" kim says. "Any way as well i think you look a lot better tonight".
"Really?" I gasped. "Thank you".
"Hello" the waiteress says. "Can i take your orders please?"
"We would all like diet coke please" joel said.
"Yeah i would like a pasta carbonara" i replied.
"I would like spagetti" kim said.
"Pizza for me probably pepperoni" ellie say.
"Yeah same for me please" joel say and she goes with our order.
"This is a really good start to our night" kim says.
"Well this is a double date after all" i shrugged. "There is no better people i want to be with".
"I feel the same" ellie nodded. "I can't believe that we became good friends and the person you don't like any more brought us together!"
"Yeah we are like best friends." I smiled. "Do you think we will ever be ok with demi?"
"Well we will have to see won't we" i sighed.
"Here's you orders" the women smiles.
"Thank" we all say.
"Cheers to really good couple" joel questions.
"Cheers to really good couples" ellie, kim amd me said and we all clink our glasses together.
After we had all eaten joel looked a bit off.
"Joel your ok aren't you?" Ellie asks.
"Yeah i am fine" he says but he still looks funny. "Just a bit of a funny stomach".
"No way! Joel why didn't you tell me" ellie sighs.
"No it's for this big annocement i have to make ellie which i am so nevrous but ellie hay i love you so much" he starts. "When we first got together we had a lot of things going on but now we came out fighting" he said.
"Aw" me and kim said and we both smile.
"That is so sweet joel" ellie cried.
"It's not over yet though because ellie i also want to say that me and you have took our relationship to so many levels to get back together had to be one of the best ideas ever" he continued. "Which is why ellie hay"
He goes down on one knee. Me and kim are boncing in our seats for this bit.
"Will you marry me?"

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